Hydrogen cars

“Yes, it WOULD be a disaster…”

More people die of heart disease than cancer. And only 30% of all deaths in 2007 were due to cancer. Doctors and hospitals do make money during that time, but the alternative is an earlier and possible even less pleasant end.

“There are actually drugs to help control a problem that can be solved for the vast majority by simply walking more, and leaving the car parked”.
I have the onset of a disease called “geezeritis”. I was doing o.k… fighting the disease until they took Geritol off the market. Now Mrs. Triedaq makes me fitness walk 3 miles a day five days a week and in addition, my doctor has me on an exercise program 3 days a week where I work out for an hour. Although since I started the regiment, I’ve been able to cut my blood pressure medicine in half, it was much easier to just take the Geritol.

Being a 45 year cancer surviver and veteran of over 25 surgeries (one last month and one in a couple of weeks) and both my parents died of it I have a special interest in this.  

The real fact is no one is refusing to do work or produce a product, but cancer is not one thing, but many, each of which will likely require a different solution.  There is not likely ever going to be one cure.  There are many studies going on now and hopefully one or more more may be successful.  

 Studies are expensive.  Someone has to pay for them,  

 There are many other problems like AIDS competing for the same limited research money.  

 Most research projects are not going to produce a useful result (other than to rule out one or another idea).

 There is no conspiracies any more than there were for that 100 MPG carburetor.

 I suggest that a contribution of even one dollar would be a good thing to do today.

Cancer cures are all well and good, but cancer prevention can be exercised to much succes for many and is well within everyone’s grasp. That costs very little, it’s just education. Look how dramatically lung and throat cancer were reduced though education and legislation. BRCA 1 and 2 genes in cancer prevention alert many and encorage lifestyle changes. We can do more in cancer cures but i’m not going to put all my eggs in that basket during my short lifetime.

“The real fact is no one is refusing to do work or produce a product”

Actually, some drug companies are refusing to manufacture cancer medicines because there is no economic incentive to do so. If the make it, they lose money. If they lose money, the stockholders and board of directors will have the management fired.

Jos. I hope and pray everything continues to go well for you. I look forward to many more years debating the advantages/disadvantages of awd with you.

“Jos. I hope and pray everything continues to go well for you. I look forward to many more years debating the advantages/disadvantages of awd with you.”

Thank you. Today my chance of dying of cancer is likely less than the average person. A few life style changes and personal awareness, keeps me safer than most people.

As has been indicated by others, prevention is cheaper and more effective than trying to cure it after the fact. In my view it is much like cars, a little preventive maintenance (like sunscreen) is currently the most effective treatment. We need to get more people aware of the importance of becoming knowledgable of the subject and to practice a few simple life style changes.

It’s a really touchy subject and glad you shared. There are so many things we are still unaware of that increase our chances for cancer. It’s a worry of mine that we may offend people who just didn’t know. Thinking especially of my dad who literally grew up smoking and died of lung cancer. Today’s easy fix was yesterday’s unknown. The only sure thing that helps…adaquate fruits and veggies and exercise. Beyond that, I am a novice like most of us.