@"“Rod Knox”
I have 2 amusing stories to tell, regarding leaking evaporators
One time, I was working on an older vehicle with low refrigerant charge. None of the visible components . . . hoses, lines, txv, condenser, compressor . . . were visibly leaking. And the sniffer didn’t react to them, in any case. I had a suspicion that the evaporator was leaking. My sniffer . . . this one, I believe
indicated the evaporator was leaking. The other guys were very skeptical, because many of them had bad experiences with that exact model. Indicating a leak, where there was none, or not reacting to a green compressor
In any case, I got the upsell. Sure enough, the evaporator was a goner. It had been leaking badly, and had accumulated quite a bit of dirt. So bad, you could hardly see it, underneath the crud
But that sniffer also let me down plenty of other times
The other story . . . a customer comes in complaining of ac not blowing cold. And he also CLEARLY stated he wanted the car gone over, front to back, top to bottom. He wanted to know everything that was wrong, and wanted estimates to repair. To be fair, the car looked exceptionally clean. Glossy paint, expensive Michelin tires of the correct type, not Costco specials. He had only genuine Benz parts on the entire car.
I found a few minor things wrong, and prepared an estimate.
I also recharged the ac and injected dye. I let the car idle, while I was preparing my estimates for the other things. Soon enough, there was a bright green puddle under the car . . . right underneath where the evaporator drain tube was. I raised the car and the tube was dripping green dye. I also quickly removed the blower motor to get a look at the evaporator. It was glowing green.
When the customer got hold of the estimate, he APPEARED to go ballistic. I watched the whole thing, and I can tell you with 100% certainty, that it was staged. Completely fake. I watched his face, and listened to what he was saying. It was clear he had rehearsed his BS game earlier. He said his car is in excellent shape, and how dare we imply his car needs any work. He got the service manager involved, and he told me I wouldn’t be getting paid for my ac diagnosis and inspection of the car. In spite of the fact the customer had agreed to all of this in writing. When shown his signature at the bottom of the paper, he said he didn’t sign it. In any case, I lost out, and the customer left with a list of everything that his car needed. I have no doubt this POS went to another shop and had all of the work done, for a much lower price.
Price shopping is one thing, but calling honest people liars, when YOU are in fact the liar, is another thing entirely