Here's what Your Culture of Speed Gets You

Are you really ignorant of that law?Your question is specious. You know very well that they build more lanes to handle ,ore traffic but the same principles apply. Slower traffic to the right, faster traffic to the left.

No matter how fast I am going, I keep an eye out for someone faster behind me and move over for them unless all the lanes are full.

I drive right.pass left and always signal as a matter of habit and would rather yeild my right of way that fill out an accident report.

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Iā€™ve found that if someone canā€™t see me or hear me humor loses something. I use emojis more now to make it clear when Iā€™m joking.


Generally speaking, I have seen emojis (or lol) clearly used and people still miss the sarcasm or joke, and not just mineā€¦

I think people in general tend to skim read and they miss a lot of stuffā€¦ And then donā€™t stop and try to understand what someone has said before reactingā€¦ Sometimes you just have to read between the sarcastic linesā€¦ :wink:

When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

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Was that a joke? I see no emojisā€¦ L :laughing: L . . .

So you remember Johnny Carson showing how to get to spatula city? Many forks in the road.

Oh yes, The Mighty Carson Art Players.

You could say I shoot for a ā€˜happy mediumā€™!

Seriously though, in an era when even grocery-getters can go 0-20mph quicker than stepping on a kick-drum, itā€™s hard to maintain 20 without constant overshoots. Even in my Honda Accord.

Rereading your original post and your next post, I see nothing to indicate sarcasm. It is better indicated by tone of voice, not print.