Here's what Your Culture of Speed Gets You

Nope - Just one who understands and comprehends the definition of the word ‘LIMIT’

That is ONLY your opinion and not shared by EXPERTS in the field.

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Really …

Oh my gosh, two people that have never been wrong now duking it out. Give it a rest.


I have over 3 million miles of driving experience on tractor trailers and I have not calculated how many miles in a car in my700 years of driving.

Driving 10 mph ove the speed limit is not a signifigant cause of accidents, not paying attention, doing stupid things, like talking on the phone or worse yet texting, driving drunk or on drugs or making really stupid moves like I jus saw today on a 5 mile trip on a4 lane in each direction suburbab 40 mph street. A pickup in the left lane made a right turn across the other 3 lanes at an intersection and late a car made a right turn in front of me from a parking lot across all the lanes.

In all those miles and years, I have had one wreck and that was at 60 mph on the NY Thruway, 5 mph UNDER tje speed limit on a perfectly dry road.

60 was the governed speed of the tractor I had that trip and I had no trailer… Two pickups passed me and pulled in front of me and just as the second one washalfway between the lanes the front one slammed on his brakes causing the secons one to do the same. There was faster traffic coming up on the left and I was slidig toward the second pickup so I tried the shoulder when the lead pickup who was already stopped pulled over onto it.
Not wanting to kill either of these idiots by running over them with my 15,500 lb tractor, I turned off the road and the tractor turned over crushing the roof down to the seats. I was banged and bruised and my left arm was torn open by the seat back going through it when it got pinched between the roof and the metal of the seat back.

In case anyone is wondering, a tractor alone or even with a trailed cannot stop even remotely as fast as a car or pickup. If you are going to do something stupid on the road, please don’t do it immediately after passing a truck.


There are many kind of limits on the road, there is the design limit, the limit that the designers built it to so that any vehicle could safely navigate it. The posted speed limit that is usually politically set, the practical limit-the speed that the police enforce.
The last is the speed for conditions, and most safety writteb tests get this one wrong. For example I have seen roads with a design speeds of 60 mph with a posted speed of 30 mph. If you are going 30 mph on such a road there is no need to reduce speed if it is raining.

By the way, the design speed for the federal interstate system was set at a minimum of 75 mph.


Even if that’s the case, that does not mean you have the right - implied or specific - to do 70 or 75mph

At least this is about cars instead of the political drivel you keep trying to interject into this forum.

This particular thread is killing me with laughter. :joy::joy::joy:

Road rage is a very messy situation. The phrase “Do you want to get shot? Because that’s how you get shot.” comes to mind.

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I don’t mind anyone driving at the speed limit, just as long as they stick to the right lane when they are not passing anyone and I can’t imagine passing many people at the speed limit unless it is trucks on hills.*


I personally haven’t experienced any road rage for the way I drive:

RH lane, at or 2-3mph below posted.

Of course, in a country where both the Bible and a gun go hand in hand (perhaps the same hand!), I understand the mentality you present.

Do you really think that obeying the law should get one shot, in America?

Come up here to Southern NH or Eastern MA and try driving like that. No one will pull a gun, but MANY vehicles will be cutting you off inches from the front of your car.


A lot of the time the ones causing the road rage by holding up traffic are completely clueless that they are doing it… They are either in their own little world doing whatever or driving like they have blinders on… So it doesn’t surprise me that someone causing it would not know it is happening around them…


Not moi…

Even obeying the law as I am, my ‘SA’ (situational awareness) remains at appropriate levels. And perhaps, as I am driving slower, I may become aware of developing conflicts sooner than those driving 10-20mph over posted.

That you know of, or have been aware of.

Nope. But the person that’s angry at you for driving slower than the even the semi trucks are probably driving won’t give 2 hoots about the legality of it.


That is their problem, not mine. And they have from one up to four lanes, to my left, to overtake me and get on with their lives.

No, someone who fails to understand keeping up with the flow of traffic, many times 15 over to be courteous and kind, and legal, not a bonehaded driver causing aggravation and accidents do to an I’ll conceived notion that keeping up with the flow of traffic is not legal. It might lead to the death of you since you are not going to change your ways and airbags typically do not deploy in a rear end collision


Yes, it IS your problem. Someone that is mad at what you are doing is most certainly your problem. If someone is intent on causing you harm for something you are actively doing, it is your fault, no one else’s. If they mean to cause you harm as a direct reaction to what you are doing it will be your fault.

The fact that you seem to want to ignore this fact goes right back to this:

Hopefully you’ll learn one day that you are not the police, but I doubt it, you’ll just keep blaming others while you keep Karen-ing on in your car.