GM's new electric convertible

I actually saw a Suzuki X-90 on the road today, in SE PA. It appeared to be in decent shape, and was able to keep-up with traffic.

I alerted my passenger to watch for it as it passed us in the right-turn lane because I suspected that he had never seen one of these very strange little AWD convertibles. His reaction was, “Who would buy something that ugly and pointless?”, and my answer was… So few people that they stopped selling that little bomb after two years.


I remember seeing a X-90 in the dealer’s showroom when they were new, basically a less useful Sidekick with T-tops and a trunk. Sold a little over 7,000 in the US with most of those in the first model year. It was an dishonorable mention for worst car in the world by Top Gear when they did that special.

I spotted an X-90 last week, there are a good variety of vehicles here. Last week I also saw two Cadillac XLRs, once a year I see a Daihatsu Rocky.

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