The remainder of your John Birch style rant is beneath comment. Go away until you learn something.
I have been learning since around 1947 when I started school in a one-room school house. The teacher was very conservation oriented. She used to take us on my dad’s farm which was next to the school, and show us the gullies created using the farming techniques used in those days. She checked out slide projectors and showed us slides of rivers which were so nasty nothing, not even a water strider, could live on them. I became very conscious of the damage being done to the environment by pollution and erosion.
Since then, um, that’s 61 years, I saw the planet being cleaned up. I saw Mexico City air before it was cleaned up, and while it was being cleaned up, and now when it is actually not that bad, except for people who are hypo-allergic.
At every step, as places were cleaned up the environmental wackoes screamed louder and louder that we are all doomed since nothing is being done to clean up the place.
Even in Mexico City, they scream that smog is terrible and getting steadily worse. People who visit there are surprised, almost shocked, how clean the air is, because they believed the lies.
So, CO2 is a real coup, since all the nasty stuff has been sharply reduced. Take something natural and harmless and have some ditzy Ph.D. generate a computer model to show that it is going to kill us all. Generate all sorts of computer models and pretend 1’s and 0’s are real science. Get the kiddies to wake up screaming in the night worried about it. Attack anyone who has seen it all, call them all sorts of names; demand they lose their jobs if possible. Tell them to shut up until they learn something, though they learned about real problems before a lot of posters here were born. And you can get a lot of money to run things.
Oh, how could I forget? In 1960 when I graduated from high school, we had a cold snap. Wonderful scientists, sarcasm intended, pontificated the next ice age was coming. Anyone who disagreed was called every name in the books, just as the GW nuts today call names to anyone who does not buy their nonsense. I have seen two cycles back and forth since 1960. This is called “same-o; same-o.” Enough already.
There is no GW. There was no R-12 problem. Already some GW scientists are back-pedaling. They are admitting it is getting cooler, but that is only temporary, they pontificate, when it comes back in 10 or 15 years it will be even worse. If we are not put in charge right now of one world government, and allowed to tank the economy, we are all going to suffer and die in just a few years, because when it comes back, it will be too late.