Forgot dielectric grease for my coil packs

I started having misfires in cylinder 3, tried to open it, and the coil pack rubber is stuck. Pulled it out but the rubber piece got stuck inside. Needle noose got that out.

Now I’m about to grease and install a new #3 postion coil.

For the other 3 “dry” coils, will those fail as well? Also don’t judge me, 1st car didn’t need dielectric and I didn’t research before installing… smh

Not necessarily, but it is hard to remove the coils if you installed them dry, as you found out. Try removing them now but don’t force it. If they come out, grease 'em, if they don’t leave 'em. If they fail later replace 'em.


I always use dielectric grease in plug boots for the next time they may have to come off down the road… Like Mustangman said, I would see if they will remove easily and if so, dab some grease in them, if they don’t remove, try twisting them gently back and forth to see if they will break loose and then grease them, if not wait until required…

If you are re-replacing a bad coil, or have early coil failure, it might be the part brand you used… Cheap electrical parts are most of the time not worth it in the end…

The dielectric grease performs two functions. First, to make it easier to remove the coil from the plug in the future; and second, to help prevent a misfire by the spark jumping directly to a nearby ground, rather than to the tip of the spark plug where it should go. If you aren’t having any misfires on the 3 dry-installed coils, my guess, probably best to leave well enough alone.

btw, a too-wide spark plug gap is sometimes the reason for coil failure.

I’ll add function 3 (which is sort of related to function 2 - extra moisture barrier. If not in particularly humid areas it won’t matter much. But it can.

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