Forget 55 enforce 65

Just give people tickets who go over 75 in a 65 mph zone. Mabye that would encourage people to slow down to save gas

Speed limits exist for safety considerations. That is reason enough for enforcement. The highway patrol should not use its limited resources for the special purpose of conserving the nation’s gasoline supplies.

I agree. What else do you want the government to impose on us? Vacation trip distance limits? Maximum car size? Mandatory relocation to a small 2-bedroom apartment that’s walking distance to your job?

It might. I understand that VA has been on a ticket binge. I understand tha the fines are outrageous (well over $1000 for 20 MPH+ over the limit). How is it working there?

If plenty of people are driving over 75 in an area posted 65, it probably indicated the posted limit is too low and should be increased. People will save gas if/when the price gets high enough.

Another fruitcake wanting to impose laws and rules on individuals for all the wrong reasons. Obviously with the increase in unemployment way to many people have to much time on their hands.

Why not take up a hobby to occupy your time?

Why not give law enforcement the authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner and allow them to shoot someone on the spot in their accelerator leg knee? That would cure even the 35 in a 20 argument.

This concept was put forth by the Feds when they removed the funding penalty for having speed limits above 55: States could raise the limit only if they showed a plan for strictly enforcing the higher limit. That worked out great. didn’t it?

It works fine now, in most of the country you can drive at a reasonable speed (regardless of the posted speed) with very little chance of being hassled. In most places you have to really make an effort (by driving much faster than the average traffic) to get a speeding ticket.

Speed limits exist for safety considerations. That is reason enough for enforcement. The highway patrol should not use its limited resources for the special purpose of conserving the nation’s gasoline supplies.

In Massachusetts there are towns that have in the budget the amount of money they’ll receive from speeding tickets. So their incentive now is to bring in revenue NOT to make the roads safer. If they wanted to make the roads safer then they’d actually want tickets to drop…NOT INCREASE.