Ford want to move to fixed pricing - opinions?

The only thing I can think of is it is considered real property in many jurisdictions. And the municipality is missing out on tax/fee revenue if it is unregistered.

People reporting it, that’s just ridiculous behavior. There will always be the self-proclaimed righteous doing this kind of thing.

I am totally against this idea of course. I have two unregistered project cars in my home garages right now. As far as I am concerned, if they can’t drive, they can’t be registered and therefore have little real value as far as a conveyance for taxation purposes.

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My township in NJ is a fairly affluent white-collar one. I suspect this ordinance was enacted to keep out the “wrong” kind of people.

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I dunno, I personally believe that governments will continue to pass ordinances that are crazy unless stopped. It is just the natural process to keep on finding more things to be involved in that may require more staff, money, or meetings. We need to be on guard and keep them slim and trim. Around here, they are influenced by the rules of the big city and like to try the same. I have fought back attempts to restrict parking on the street, after a snow etc. and onward to public garbage collection. They usually back off quickly if challenged and just go pout in their office,

I will say though that I don’t like a junky yard, or cars being worked on in the driveway etc. but it is not a big issue and just the price to pay for freedom. Our developer of the area was pretty good and had a requirement for two car garages at a minimum. He said the reason was not to get the cars out of the driveway but to get all the junk like bikes, trikes, etc. in the garage instead of being strewn all over. Yep, that is true.

There are male and female Karen’s though that you have to watch out for. The house next door was for sale and I had my 1o plus year old riv parked in the drive with for sale signs on it. The real estate agent came over to complain about it thinking it was causing him to not be able to sell the house. No it’s because you’re a jerk, not my car. Fully insured and licensed. I really don’t know if there is an ordinance if it wasn’t licensed though. Can’t park on the grass though. Gotta be a hard surface. Ya try to be reasonable is all. But towing a classic out of the garage would be grounds for a mass rebellion.

A friend has followed that approach with his 2021 Forester, and he has had zero problems with service at the dealer from whom he didn’t buy the car.

Just last week, I took my 2022 Lexus in for its first service, at a dealership other than the dealership where I bought it. Just as with my friend, no problems whatsoever with service at a dealership that didn’t sell me the car.

Folks vary a lot in their sensibilities about having to view any form of car maintenance or repair. Depends on the environment where they lived prior. While code here allows routine vehicle maintenance and minor repairs, I sometimes get snide remarks just by popping the hood to check the oil level. Easily ignored.

Seriously ? I find that hard to believe.

Actually I have had that happen several Times in the Disney parking lot. Security eyes you if you are just checking fluids before a 1200 mile trip home. One time I was having trouble with my cruise control and it was about a ten minute procedure to lube a part and would be good to go again. Security suggested I use their car care center for car repairs. No point in going there anymore though.

That’s probably reasonable. The Disney security staff are concerned somebody may be stealing something from a customer’s car parked in their lot, like stealing the engine. The snide remarks I referred to above occurred when my own car was parked in my own driveway.

Naw they knew I lived there. Have to pass security to get in and display permit.

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Also the battery and battery cables for the metal value. I know people who have had their battery stolen along with some wiring for scrap. Now the big thing around here is just catalytic converters. They are higher value but the other stuff is left alone.

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NPR ran a story last weekend about a Calif resident (Santa Barbara as I recall) who had their cat stolen, $3000 out of pocket, b/c insurance didn’t cover it. They actually paid $3500 b/c they had an anti-theft shield installed. A few weeks later, cat stolen again. Shield effectiveness in question … lol … This time they only had to pay $500, they had changed their insurance coverage. Insurance company paid the other $2500. Happened again, another few weeks, cat stolen again. Another $500 paid by the car owner, another $2500 by the insurance company.

Wow, we gave them away free. Every time main cat had a liter, we’d have four or five to give away. I guess I’d try and put one of those air pods or whatever they are to track the cat. They do wander away some times for a while. So all of a sudden though may have three Hungry cats on his door step. We had kept a Tom though and our main cat had a flat on the road. I had to go scrape her off and bury her. The least I could but no more cat problems.

Here’s a question: If a neighbor’s cat comes into your yard, do you chase it away? GF says “yes”, I say “no”. I figure it won’t likely cause any harm, may do some good while in the yard, might chase away unwanted wild critters.

Cats roam. It’s what they do so let them roam. Besides they keep rodents and dogs away. In 15 years never saw one mouse except the one she brought home in her mouth. Friend brought his dog over once. Cat jumped on his back and rode him out of the driveway. Dog didn’t come back but looked hurt feelings. Dogs are not useful and only a step above mice and crave too much attention. Cats are independent and dig a hole for the latrine.

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The dogs normally handle that for us… lol

The only thing I don’t want in my yard is a sales person or solicitation… lol
Our dogs don’t like them in our yard either… :wink:

Never had a dog that was small enough for a cat to bother…
But did have a 95 pound Pit and a small cat (few years ago) that used to play chase with each other, the pit would chase the cat in one direction then the cat would chase the pit in the other direction… They played together all the time…

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Same with my cat & dog, Cat is twice the size of the chihuahua.

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Just make sure all those cats roaming in your neighborhood are fixed

Otherwise, you’ll soon have more cats than you can handle

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You might want to have a full face helmet and welding gloves on before you pick up a strange cat and start looking for balls on it or not… :rofl: :rofl:

But ALL of mine (cats/dogs) have always been fixed… :wink:


I thought Disney’s greatest fear was that someone might be chewing gum…

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Forget the face mask and welding gloves

What you do is contact organizations which provide humane traps

Then you round them up, get them fixed for free and return them to the area. The ones that are fixed will no longer be able to reproduce and will have a notched ear