Follow-up: what happened with Toyota

You are correct. Talked to body shop manager this a.m. Asked him what he used on the one spot and he said it was a polishing compound.

You are also correct about Yumpin Yimminie being a Scandinavian thing. A uncle used to call me that as I was growing up.

Treidaq that is one of the most hilarious things I have heard in a long time.

Have a Great Day,

the_same_mountainbike Thank you. I appreciate your response.

Have a Great Day,

You are correct. Thank you.

Have a Great Day,

This thread will have no more responses from me.

Time is about 2:07 pm August 19th, 2009

What that a lie? I thought your integrity was unimpeachable.

Yep your are right on the mark.

Came back to apologize to oldschool about my rssponse to his question “if we asked you what time it was would you tell us how to make a watch.” That response was inappropriate. Then I also found out by reading through the forums how his advice sounds so on the mark. He is in there with lots of folks.

Half less then perfect apology to Whitey and the_same_mountainbike. With research last night it finally got through my head that wax is needed. Links I found even said that good hand wax will only last about 4 to 6 weeks. I’m…

To show that I had finally read the forums rules and discovered brevity is highly valued.

To give short succinct answers regarding who is paying. I did call this A.M. talk to the body shop manager and he confirmed that they (Toyota) not me is paying. Thought I should let folks know that not all is lost on Toyota.

But the main reason was the apologies.

Hey Mr. Yimminie, Not So Fast . . . Where’s My Half Fast (“Half less then perfect”) Apology?

I tried to help you with this question and did very well answering your “fake” question, the one following the same topic, but with important information withheld, that preceded this question (the one that had the predetermined outcome).

Thank You In Advace, Sir


Apparently, you, Ron-man, and I are in the OP’s galaxy of evildoers who do not deserve an apology, no matter how inappropriately he responded to our queries. Truthfully, if I were you, I would not waste any time worrying about this issue.

So the “fix” was a little time spent with a buffer and some compound? If this is correct it would be a good move on the part of the Dealership to just absorb this cost.

Now if panel repainting with all the prep work and supplies involved the Dealership may balk at covering it totally.

“The” thread I am refering to is where oldschool and Mike_in_NH had it out and others weighed in. I believe it was a month or two ago. It lead to a good conversation about politeness, pateint, and respectful posting on here. Quite the showdown though.