Flat tire that doesn't leak?

I still remember the lifted Jeeps/trucks w/custom wheels putting the TPMS sensors all in a sealed PVC pipe and filling it up with air through a valve and putting the pipe in the vehicle somewhere to keep the light off, as well as some others putting all the sensors inside the spare tire due to custom wheels to keep the light off…

I’m not sure where you read that . . .

I’ve worked on plenty of Toyotas of the same vintage as that Prius you mentioned, and the TPMS systems were very accurate

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About one week ago, someone shared this “wisdom”:

I can honestly state that I have scraped a few curbs over the past 50+ years, but–IMHO-anyone who believes that most drivers “strike curbs all the time” needs to take a driver improvement class.

We had curb feelers on the practice car. As soon as it scrapped the curb you knew you we ok. Course then get in a regular car and never knew how close you were.

Speaking of running into curbs, why do people spent big bucks putting those concrete parking curbs all over their lots. Gotta believe people scrunch them all the time, plus makes plowing the snow a lot harder. Then they have to drill down for rebar anchors because they get moved all the time. Just thinking of ways to save money in hard times.

I presume it is to force the drivers to park only where the lot owner wants them to park. Part of the reason I’d guess is to prevent a driver from driving into a store front. Don’t laugh, somebody did this at the DMV when I was there taking my first teenage-era driver’s test, car went right through the DMV’s front door. OOPS! … lol … I’ll grant the cement curbs sometimes get in the way, for example if you’d prefer to pull through one spot and park in the one further along, making it easier to leave, no need to back up. And the cement curbs do tend to get bumped into, sometimes causing expensive damage to the car’s front end, especially newer cars where the front end is plastic & low to the ground to improve airflow and mpg.

Told it before but my wife would take our 61 corvair to school so was parked across the street from where they would do the driving test for a license. One afternoon there was a note on the car that a candidate had run into it on her test. I think you have to wait 30 days to take it again. I don’t remember how the insurance worked on that but had no trouble collecting the hundred dollars or so. Bought a couple trim pieces and fixed it myself.

In Sioux Falls a girl that had just gotten her license that day slid into my Pontiac on an icy hill. When I didn’t hear anything and called her dad he was a little upset she hadn’t told him yet. Another profit center. I needed the money. Spent half my life needing the money, now I don’t know what to do with it.

Most vehicles that I inspect have curb damaged wheels, does this mean that I need a driver improvement class? My wheels have no scratches.

These pictures are of a 2022 Lexus NX350, the vehicle was 6 months old at the time.

No, you don’t, but–clearly–those customers do.