Extremely sensitive to alignment and tyre pressure?

I think your over doing your issue on air pressure because each tire is marked for the maximum amount of psi pressure it can be blown up to so thats to cover different car manufacturers specs. so 1 or 2 pounds of air isn’t going to change your steering because there is a weight factor of the driver and passengers weight and if the tire pressure was that critical then you would have to have everyone in your car the same weight… :police_car:

No, that bulging appears on ALL cars (and trucks). It’s just worse on heavily loaded radial tires.

And the bulging has nothing what-so-ever to do with tire conicity.

It means you need to perform the tire swapping I mentioned above. That way we know if tire conicity is part of the problem.

Sorry, but that’s the definition of toe. Sure, you can’t find the individual toe for each tire, but the total toe is found that way. (unless you mean, using a string touching both sides of - say - the rears and measure the gap between the sidewall and the string on the fronts.)

I find it difficult to believe that someone can be so closely attuned to their car that they can notice a difference in the handling over a measly 1 to 1.5 PSI variation…


Take it to your trusted shop for good inspection. A buddy of mine had almost the same dragging to the left problem right after we installed the tyres and centerline wheels on his car. A friend mechanic took a look and the front passenger side suspension is having some issue.