Email service promo from the dealership

Yes. What @shadowfax said. People should get what they come for (flame wars excepted :wink: ) and when they get what they come for, the next time something happens the odds are greater they’ll want to come back. And we’ll all post happily ever after.

My biggest pet peeve. Being a T&E Lead (that’s Test & Evaluation) for software development these types of issues (red-lines or typos) can really hurt business. If you can’t spell, then how good is the code that a user can’t see.

We are all about quality and integrity.

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Yes, but these users with the spelling errors aren’t here as operators of a business or to solicit as much. If they are, we have measures for that (like spam flags).

It’s “Sauerbraten”, not “Sauerbrotten”. :grinning:

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He was already corrected 3 days ago :grinning:

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still misspelled. It’s a capital “S”…just to be picky. :grin:

I guess I am the lucky one hat overlooks spelling errors including my own.:ribbon:, read the ad, and first thought what are the chances the rotors can be machined.

The former service manager at my Subaru dealership was a really nice guy who did a few favors for me over the years. When I would take my car in for service, if I had requested a Loaner Car, the work order would always have the following notation:

Customer is getting a loner car.

Unless the loaner car was isolated from all of the other cars at the dealership, it couldn’t have been a “loner” car, but I always restrained myself from pulling out my red pen and making a correction, simply because he was such a nice guy.

I used to work in an office with a person who could not differentiate between the word “no” and the word “know”. Her solution was to find a newly created word, kno, which solved the whole dilemma. While she never did it, I was always hoping to see her write, “He didn’t kno the answer was kno.”

I agree with the group here that thinks it’s better to let the spelling errors slide. This is not 8th grade English class. And I, for one, am grateful.

Reminds me of my 4th grade english class, for lack of a comma person executed.
Governor, should we continue the execution?
"No pardon granted"
Should have been “No, pardon granted.”


While working at a car dealership I noticed that we had no linguists, no spelling or grammar experts, and not that many English majors or college graduates working in the shop, but some very intelligent, competent guys, nonetheless.

I seems that no matter where I’ve been employed a dealer owner/principal had a college student son working there, too. Often times it was to enable a little “baby sitting” of a 20-something boy.

One dealer had installed a son at the Service Counter. One rainy day a group of mechanics had gathered around a repair order written by the young man and were laughing hysterically, as they often did, reading his orders.

The repair order simply said, "Replace Whippers."

If the vehicle was owned by a Dominatrix then the work order may have been correct.




I fear for the future. But then I’m a firm believer in the pendulum so maybe the kids of these kids will take language seriously again.

Wait what OMG so well are u kidding?
Some schools have already stopped teaching cursive writing to make room in the schedule for anti-bullying imojis(?).
I fear.

@shadowfax - I have no idea what the image means. I do know it is from a show I have never seen.

That’s exactly my reaction. I thought it was posted by mistake.

it’s Homer Simpson, and he is slowly backing out of the conversation, usually because the convo turned intense or awkward, or both. :slight_smile: