While listening to the show today, I heard the guys tell a caller who had overheated his car, that his head gasket was going to blow in the next 6 weeks and that this fix would cost about $1000.
A couple of weeks ago, my 2003 Subaru Forester overheated (the gauge hit the red). I pulled into a conveniently located auto repair shop and discovered that the piece that connects the hose to the radiator had broken. The radiator was repaired and the car has been running just fine, but now I’m wondering if a very expensive repair is in my near future.
We are a one car family, and the great thing about the Subaru is that it’s paid off, but with a timing belt due soon, and breaks, and the possibility of another expensive repair, I’m wondering if it is time for a new car…
Anyone know the odds of the head gasket blowing after a car has overheated?