You’ve already made the 1st and smartest choice by NOT attending a for-profit automotive “institute”
That already puts you WAY ahead of a lot of other folks
Since you already have other degrees, I’ll assume you’re a pretty good learner. That already puts you at an advantage, versus some other guys. No offense to anybody reading this, but we all know we’re not all the same when it comes to learning, studying, knowledge retention, etc.
Of course it should be possible to take community colleges towards an automotive degree
If anything, the instructor(s) might be happy to see an older . . . I assume you’re not that young, since you already have multiple degrees in other fields . . . student attending
Don’t bother mentioning your reason(s) for attending. That’s not really that important, in my opinion. Besides, if you do, the other students may not take you as seriously, if you care about that kind of thing. Best to not let it even be a subject of conversation, if you ask me. Plenty of guys make mid-life career changes, and for all everybody else knows, that’s why you’ll be attending
Yes, it will be beneficial . . . because you’ll learn the fundamentals. In other words, you’ll learn why things are the way they are and how things work. That beats merely knowing how to fix something.
Talk to the head of the automotive department before you enroll. I’m sure they’ll answer all your questions
I did the same thing years ago, before I started my journey. I got some very good advice, and I heeded it to the best of my ability
Here’s the thing about youtube . . . while it’s entertaining and there IS some good stuff out there, it’s not all correct. And some of those guys only show you how to fix things, without explaining how it works.