Driver door latch actuator damaged who is at fault

Then it sounds like the lock was frozen so the only way to open the door was to jimmy it which may or may not have caused the lock failure. Don’t know who is legally responsible, but wouldn’t your warranty pay the bill minus the deductible which should be $50-$100. Did you buy the warranty from the dealer? Don’t do that again, they overcharge like crazy.

I’m still waiting for the OP to respond to the question that I posed several hours ago, namely…

From what I have seen they just use the bag to open it up enough to get their long curvy rod in there to open the door.

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I was unable to respond due to a limit of posts for new users. As he was putting in that air bag and pumping it up. A voice in my head said " wait should I say something, this might damage the car door" But I stayed quiet as the other voice said this guy must have done it 1000 times and knows what he is doing. He should have informed me as a new driver the risk of him using the air bag and that he is not responsible for damages incurred if it breaks the door, that is the right thing to do!

And guess what as I called the roadside company. They apologized for the damage and offered to have a case opened to possibly reimburse me given an estimate of damages. What does that tell you?

It tells me that stuff happens, and reputable companies stand by their customers.

Tell me something. How was the guy supposed to know you are a new driver and why would that make a difference? Someone could have been driving for decades and have no more knowledge than you in this area.

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It tells me that they’re insured and have encouraged you to complete a claim form.
Go for it. It’s painless.

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Yea I get what you are saying…