Do You think I should go for a car note?

While I have never kept a real budget several years ago I looked over my expenses over the prior several months and I found that I was spending about $300/month at various supermarkets for food, household junk, beer, toilet items, etc and at the time that seemed extravagant. But when I see ads on television for GrubHub & $30 steak dinners, etc, I wonder what all the people jumping at those offers will do when they are over the hill. Can I guess that they all are making maximum deposits into their 401Ks? I would get by without SS but it makes life a lot more enjoyable when I have money left over every month and can splurge when I want. How in the world can people survive on just SS when they have been splurging all their lives? I would hate to be driving for Uber these days.

And BTW. Uber/Lyft drivers, Gruhub drivers and other 1099 workers seem to be 21st Century share croppers.


I buy everything with my Fidelity Premium: no fees, 2% back, part paid by the suckers who pay cash, part paid by the people with credit cards with worse deals, part paid by Fidelity. CR rated it the best card 1 year. Of course I always pay my bills on-time, as do about half of credit card users.

I remember the last time they tested a manual. I fear they’re probably poor quality because so few buy them.

I read the library’s copy.

I’ve never had any kind of loan: paid for college, car, and home. I don’t recommend it.

Liddle Donnie brags that he’s ‘the king of debt’ and most of his fortune is money others invested in his business that they didn’t get back when the businesses failed. He never invested a penny in his casinos, took huge fees to manage them into bankruptcy and to put his name on them.

Old joke: a guy who took his inheritance and moved to the big city to have fun returned to his hometown years later. The editor of the town paper sent a cub reporter to get his story, which he calculated he’d tell for a few drinks. The reporter asked him how he spent all his money. He said, ‘Part I spent on women, part I spent on wine - the rest I spent foolishly.’

uh huh . . . :confounded:

Exactly. These people are “independent contractors” in name only, and I would like to see the courts strike down this misclassification. Companies such as Uber/Lyft and GrubHub/DoorDash only make money by exploiting the “independent contractor” driver, and for food deliveries, the “partner” restaurant. If these companies were paying their fair share of taxes and wages like normal businesses do, they’d be bleeding red ink.

I have an old saying- with enough power, even a 2x4 can fly…

I always found it kind of funny when people would make comments at the track regarding the car body. Oh, one of those hunks of junk…not realizing the body (or original platform) has nothing to do with it.

A short while after the Spirit guy ran at the strip another pulled a very slick Camaro Z-28 to the line. The car was on Nitrous… LIght went green and his engine scattered. The hood blew up and something black about a foot in diameter came right at me where I was sitting on the top row. I ducked and it went a few feet over my head into the dark. No idea what it was.

There was a guy here who bought a new Porsche Carrera a few years back. What was he doing with it?
Delivering pizzas for Domino’s. I can’t even imagine the cost per mile against the pay.

My older brother had a 352 Ford 3 speed with 411 gears with a performance carburetor installed many years ago. He put it on an 1/8 mile strip and Jumped a Chevrolet off the line winning a few bucks and told the loser he watched the lights and put his foot to the floor and let the engine rev and then side slipped the clutch pedal to launch. the Chevy owner demanded a rematch and felt sure he could get the jump on a re-run. The light blinked and the Chevrolet didn’t move forward but the windshield began to disintegrate when the flywheel, clutch and pressure plate found there way through the bell housing, floor board, radio and speaker. The driver was worried that his dad wouldn’t be happy when he saw the car. The 348 was a lot quicker getting up to the red line than the Ford.

B flat? Like broke?

We used to use “explosion shields” on drag cars in the 60’s and 70’s.

Only u know what ur budget and lifestyle of spending are,not her.

As to yr, don’t go over 2013 if u care abt ur privacy. 2014 started ‘black boxes’ that record literally EVERYTHING u do, from ur cornering speed to when u use ur turn signals.
Past 2004 u get some stuff too, but I yet to hear specifics, but one is tracking.

I’d keep ur old car, if u like it. U cld try to find a 1 owner 2004 BMW M3, which is when they started stability ctrl - superhuman handling via individual wheel braking, truly amazing drive on ANY car w it.

It’ll take u time hunting, and ull have to go see alot of cars AND INSIST on driving them, hard braking and cornering as u can, and NEVER buy one without getting up to 80mph on the fwy. Thatll tell u all kinds of stuff by feel.

It cld take u a month or 3, but it’ll be WORTH it!

In this country, we don’t speak text; we speak English. That being said, cars have contained onboard communications systems and telematics far earlier than 2014. If you value your privacy, you really shouldn’t buy anything newer than 2005. To be honest, the mid-1990s to early 2000s were the “golden age” of quality and reliability, and even include most modern safety features–without all of the privacy-infringing and reliability-robbing “features” introduced later.

Ya, reddit crapped out rt befote I put that 2005 date! Kudos for knowing that :slight_smile:
But, u want BEFORE 2005, not 2005 or earlier.

As to txt, try typing on this heap and ull type as few chars as u can to be understood too! If I had a full kb i’d be 60wpm WITH corrections and full words.
So, don’t assume ppl r jusr lazy, tasteless, or st000pud.
If u wanna know why I use this kb app, chk out the kb keylogging issue.

Yam I agreem 90’s to 2001 is best. But, to get that golden stability ctrl u gotta go 2003 at least, AFAIK. A crappy Mitsubishi 4dr beat a Lambo
of the same yr! It waa ahead in the straight of course, but it spun out bad in the tight turns.

That said, I wish it didn’t exist! It makes it so morons can go too fast without being in the ditch where they belong, instead of hitting me!
Skill shld matter!

Alas, soon nobody will be driving their own cars. A machine will.
Safer, but not worth the loss to enjoyment of life and of FREEDOM.

L8R txt hater :wink:

Dear sir or madam,
You are saving yourself time (and money?) by writing in an almost unreadable fashion. I don’t have the time nor patience to read most of what you write. Apparently you can write some complete words somehow, so why not put in a little more effort and write them all? It’s easier for you not to, but much harder for me and for that I don’t appreciate your comments as I should. It’s almost bad enough to lead me to "… assume [some] ppl r jusr lazy, tasteless, or st000pud."

As far as keeping one’s privacy, I’m afraid that ship has sailed. I will say that I’d prefer my vehicles didn’t record everything I do, but keep in mind that this feature could work to your advantage if you are law abiding driver.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

If you want to be then seriously then stop the text nonsense and use real and full words . And why are you so paranoid ?

I’m assuming you mean monthly payments. If you’re like me you made one BIG payment when you bought the car. :slightly_smiling_face:

After I graduated college I bought new and had payments. But by my second new vehicle I then started keeping them for a long time, but still made payments to myself. Then when I bought my 3rd new vehicle years later I had the cash saved up to buy a new vehicle with Cash. Been doing that ever since. I did co-sign for my middle son to buy a car. We’ll see if he does what I did. My oldest lives in Boston and doesn’t need a car. She puts a lot of her money paying for a Brown Stone that her and her fiance bought last year. Those things are expensive.

I never took short hand. Didn’t understand it and figured you just hired people that did anyway. There’s got to be a translation program out there since there is for about any foreign language, but then why bother?

My owners manual though says that I am the owner of that information and the poletzei need a warrant and possession of my vehicle to get at it. Unless of course you live in Virginia or California. Oops, crossed the line again. Another flag cometh my way.

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If you are getting 30%on a mutual fund I would be careful about the fund

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Thanks for your concern but pretty high level pros watch the funds and select new ones from time to time. No one tries to hit anything out of the park, just consistent returns in normal years. I didn’t look at individual returns, just the overall from last year. Of course this was not a normal year. T. Rowe Price small cap, Vanguard Mid Cap, Vanguard Institutional, Vanguard Div Growth, Vanguard Balanced Index, etc. And use Ed Jones for Amerifund and some others. Served me well for over 30 years, but then I thank our esteemed leader the most. Sadly I talked to some risk averse folks who just use Money Market and the bank for their 2%. No pain no gain.

I’ve never made monthly payments on a car

And some say their portfolio is half empty.