Need Help
So my timing belt on my 98 Sienna broke at a slow speed and I’ve slowly been DIY with the help of Siennachat and YouTube videos being that it’s a non interference engine also referred to as free wheeling, I’m not expecting any serious issues but if you look at my photo, as the first photo looks like the same situation, the lower teeth of the teeth of the crank don’t appear geared with upper teeth the timing marks are there but it looks like the upper gear is missing, as you can see in a photo of the lower cover part of the belt was wound several times behind the lower cover and tore up the lower timing cover the balancer was not damaged, could it have been damaged like the crankshaft itself, when the belt broke, or is it possible I have a replaced after market block that it was already missing before the belt broke? Is this gear that’s missing part of the block and I have to replace the block now, or is the crankshaft that needs to be replaced? Either way I’m screwed. I hope that’s not the case. The last Second to last photo is what it should look like
Ummm, you keep mentioning looking at all these pictures but I only see one picture…
Yeah me either. Looks like a broken belt on the crank gear but can’t tell what the heck the gear is behind it that only looks half there with the two dots not lined up. Might be a new poster limited to one pic.
That’s the sprocket for the crankshaft position sensor.
You can see the sensor above where the OP marked in red.
And if you expand on the image, all the teeth are there.
Yeah thanks, I don’t know anything about it obviously but I isn’t that white dot supposed to be at 12 o’clock?
Apparently some of the photos you posted didn’t actually appear. I don’t see any missing teeth on the photo that did appear. You may not be abl e to post more than one photo per post as a new user here, try uploading another photo in separate post in this same thread, might work.
As far as your engine being free-wheeling, non-interference, that may well be true, but doesn’t necessarily imply the broken timing belt didn’t cause any damage beyond the belt. Problems can occur when a belt breaks if something gets jammed in a position it shouldn’t be. In some unlucky cases severe & very expensive damage can occur when timing belt breaks, even to a non-interference engine. Suggest to let us know what symptoms you are experiencing or problems you are trying to solve beyond just replacing the belt.
Probably, but that only occurs when installing new belt or or verifying camshaft timing is set correct to crankshaft timing. The dot can appear anywhere in the rotation otherwise.
Yeah I just noticed that, I’ll post the other photo soon as I can get to it it’s on my tablet. Thanks
Your right i wasn’t able to upload the other photos

I’m including them here the first one is what I call correct the second is mine, there is either a trick of light or there is a difference as you can see in the oval marking the interlocking teeth.
The crankshaft is in the correct position, what was the question?
??? The first photo shows the red oval. Is that the one you think is correct?