'Couple guilty in air bag scheme'

‘A brother and sister team has pleaded guilty to selling counterfeit vehicle air bags and air bag covers online and out of their Albuquerque home.’
'“Specifically, I would purchase counterfeit airbags and covers from overseas and list them for sale on eBay, Craigslist, AirBagsPlace.com, Airbag-Driver-Side-Cover.myshopify.com, and GemsCarAirBagCover.jimdo.com,” Dina Gonzalez-Marquez said, according to her plea documents.
'At one point, eBay blocked the duo from selling their items on the site because the items had been determined counterfeit.
‘And an attorney for Honda contacted the two and told them to stop selling the counterfeit items, many of which included fake Honda stamps.’

Buying airbags off of eBay sounds like a terrific idea!!!

So what did they plead down to?
They should be executed by their own airbags, but that ain’t gonna happen.

In this day and age of no end to scams being developed, maybe it’s time to start dealing with local businesses instead of on-line unknown providers. And someone here wants to order a new car on line instead of going through the dealer? Fools and their money are easily parted.

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And dealing with a dealer is the height of honesty ?