I have a 2001 Corolla CE with climate control knobs that don’t light up (the buttons between them do because the middle light works, just not the other two).
First, I unscrewed and pulled out the climate control box and in the process of doing so, the left knobs lit up because (if my new assumption is correct) the problem isn’t the bulbs (which aren’t burnt) but rather the wiring, which I must have unintentionally reconnected as I pulled the box outward. Unfortunately, the knobs stopped lighting up after a little more movement and I can’t replicate the condition that caused them to light up.
My current plan is to remove the climate control box from the wiring and cables to see if there’s something wrong with the contacts or the wiring itself, but I don’t know how to disconnect the cables and I’m not sure how to test the wires even if I find something wrong.
Any ideas as to what I should do at this point?
(FYI: I also removed the console frame and the lower parts to get a better look at the bottom of the box and its wiring as you can see in the picture)