. . . but this is easier. Just have other people write the paper for you, copy and paste what they’ve written, and Voil? ! . . . You’re well on your way to a meaningless “A” grade on a paper !
Dude, you have TWENTY quotes right here.
Which part don’t you understand ?
Red-Tail and ookyresident doesn’t exactly tell US much either. now does it ?
But none that I can use! I don’t want to quote in my paper Mr. bing says X about your car. I might as well go onto a wiki. the information from unidentified sources is not always accurate.
Sure, e-mail me and ask. I didn’t ask you to spill it on the forum here.
Nor did I ask for SSN’s adresses, phone numbers or anything but your name and your experience level.
Simply state something to the effect;
" PBS radio show Car TAlk has a public forum in which these opinions -> opinions <- were imparted."
You can , in fact, write a paper citing opinions as such. just don’t claim those opinions are researched facts.
This entire cache of ideas gives you a boat load to write about.
Sharpen that pencil a get at it.
As previously posted by me, you should view the old thread “your credentials please” to see much more info about each of us regulars.
Comment not directed to “CSA” as I am pretty sure he knows this stuff. For Red-Tail, you have been given an exercise that has great worth. What I mean is, it is very important to be able to figure out what sources have what level of accredation. This point is probably the main point of your exercise. Since you do not seem to be getting very far here, include in your paper the different levels of trust you can place in different sources. In my beginning writing class we were allowed to use or cite information from Wikipedia only for the first two papers, the we were forbidden to use Wikipedia as a source. If you included in your paper the reason why sources like Wikipedia cannot be used when you want all your sources to have a high level of accredation your instructor may see this as more of an understanding about sources that merely getting someone’s name. Source accredation is very important and an effort should be made to master all aspects of detailing your sources.I can remember finishing some 1500 word papers (not really that long) and then taking about half the time it took to write the paper to list my sources correctly, you are not done until that author citation page is done. There are open source applications that make it easy for you to do your author citations. One that comes to mind is called “Easy Bib”. Our instructor did allow us to use applications like “Easy Bib” so it was not considered cheating.
Thank you for your civil reply Oldschool.
I have written about 3000 words on this so far, and have been citing my sources as I go along, using ‘proquest’ and a few other library resources, which have handy dandy pr-made citations in proper MLA format.
This is for a public speaking class, my English 102 class had us do many of the drills you explain.
I just wanted to get a source that was from a real person that has worked on cars their whole life, not just from a ‘text source.’ I feel that using only text sources seem to wash much of the life (and implies that I didn’t put much effort into gathering some interesting personal data).
I needed names to correctly cite my sources, without them I loose points on my assignment.
The instructor has drilled into us that authors that refuse to reveal their identities more often than not are giving biased, incorrect or otherwise unsuitable information.
I don’t think I would get a very good reaction if I gave her my citations page with something on it that she specifically warned me about.
I don’t want to get a reputation for being a scammer or a bot on this site, I am just trying to set the record straight.
See my reply to oldschool’s posting as an answer to your question
Why do I need more?
Unfortunately, the information you seek is private.
I gave up being a mechanic as a profession years ago, and turned to computers, and computer security at that time. I currently hold 2 degrees and a few certifications in the field. As such, I would - and do - advise everyone I meet that doesn’t already have the sense to know, to keep your personal information - personal. While possibly well meaning, and I don’t doubt you’re working on a project, you’re asking us to give you our personal information.
You give that stuff out only to people you know, and know well, or companies that require it for certain reasons (banks, credit unions, anyone you need finance through, etc). You never, ever giev personal information of any sort on the web.
My background is that I did work on vehicles as a profession for a few years, moved to a dealer, got certified (back in 84), quit that to join the military, and always did, and still do, work on all my vehicles, vehicles for friends, some small paid work for people I work with, etc. I retired from the military, and now do my own thing. I still work on cars, and friends use me as reference for computers and cars now. What a fun mix.
(even though I’ve given no advice)
You can simply call me,
Then why do you WANT more ?
Still, I fail to see how giving me a real name online is any different than me walking into a dealership and asking the mechanic the question and asking for his name so I can quote them.
I fail to see how having a conversation online is that much different. If I met you in person, say in a grocery store, car show, or any other public area, would you deny me your name after we spoke on a topic? How would you know what I had in mind?
“that is private information” does not seem like a well adjusted answer from that person to me (not implying that you are not, but it just seems a little odd).
Can you explain this to me? How it is different?
To quote you. In fact I could use your quotes becasue it LOOKS like you have a real name as your screen name.
all I need is, (for example) "Ken Green, a mechanic (or what have you), told me in an interveiw that not changing your transmission fluid at regular intervols is one of the common casues of premature transmission failure.
Was that so hard?
That was all I asked for.
That is entirely wrong. I need to have the proper information to cite you so I DON"T do exactly that.
It’s different because it’s ON-LINE ! hello ! The world can view info not intended for the world.
You have all the info you need to speak and cite clearly ( I hope you don’t spell as poorly on your paper )
Did you bother to read the other post “your credentials please” I mentioned twice already ? http://community.cartalk.com/posts/list/2238011.page
It tells you lots about all the people posting here. ( hint, use the search icon above, search ‘credentials’ )
@ ken green.
I still don’t have a name I can refer to you as. (well, I can to you, but not anyone else).
I can do that same thing if I spoke to you on the street. In fact probably more becasue people are much more chatty in person.
such as
If I was in person I could most likely figure out what city you live in, where you went to high school, what year you were born in, where you work, ect ect ect without ever raising any red flags.
So why don’t you lead off the unveiling of personal information Red Tail?
Start with your name and the city in which you live. We’ll get to your classmates and parents momentarily.
What’s the name of this Utopian world instructor of yours and which school does he teach at?
There should not be a problem with this either on your part and as per your instructor there should be no objection to posting any info about him either. Posting some Social Security numbers might speed some processes along but that’s optional.
OK,you tried to get names and such here,it did not work. There has been a big effort by people in the computer security business to tell people to reject any attempt to get any information from them, this is what you are up against. The first step in a “phish” is to get normal data from a person so as the next time you contact them you can set them at ease by acting like you know them or know things about their work. All that is happening is that people are reacting to the warnings they have been given about others that want to get what seems to be harmless personal data. I suggest you do hit the shops. If you would have showed up on the service drive while I was out there, and you were doing an interview about something car related I would have let you quote me but people have been told over and over not to give out any information when asked on the internet.
I never asked for anything more than your name and why you feel justified in speaking on the topic.
I was simply asking for a way to cite you. If you do not feel comfortable giving out your name, pass up my question.
Please don’t mock me, I am attempting to be civil in this discussion about car maintenance, and I feel I am being mocked and attacked unfairly as some evil-doer, or "big government spook"
If you had sent me a quote and/or identified yourself as “so in so (screen name) from car talk website.” I would have gladly exchanged information with you, or sent you a phone number so I could get a quote from you.
You also could have ignored my request if you thought I was part of a scam. Or you could have assisted me if you thought that I was real person.
Instead you insist on calling me a scammer, leave me with advice I cannot use, berate my intelligence, and generally insult me.
I take back my request for any information, personal or otherwise from any of you as proof I was attempting a use your knowledge to a legitimate end.
Even though I may have been out of line in my request I feel a few members were unnecessarily rude to me and should at least retract their statements.