I noticed this problem day as I was out and about, as I come out of a medium to hard turn (at least one wheel rotation) my wheel doesn’t want to return fully to the center position. The wheel starts to slow down about half a turn in either position and I need to help it out around the quarter turn position. I don’t have to force it much, it feels more turning the wheel while in park.
I has winter tires put on in December and the mechanic told me they couldn’t do an alignment because one of my rear coils was broken (planning on getting that fixed myself once I get a weekend where it’s not at or below 0 outside) and my front ball-joints (I think that’s what they said) was loose and that the front joint didn’t need to be looked at immediately, but by spring should be replaced.
Does anyone here know if that front joint is what’s giving me problems? Or is it something else?