I wrote in about a heat problem last week. Following the advice given I went to check for a broken of disconnected vacuum hose. When I pulled the car (93 lexus sc300) into the garage it was running rough, I checked under the hood and found a cup of half eaten acorns and upon checking under a gnawed on cowl of some sort covering spark plugs I discovered two of the wires eaten completely through. I’m inclined to try and fix it myself, but there is the throttle body and some other pretty formidable stuff blocking access. Should I bravely remove it? replace the plugs and wires and hope to put it back on? or just call a tow truck and cancel christmas. thanks Tom
If you have some tools and a little know how I’d say go for it yourself.
Take pictures along the way or at least tape mark associated parts. Don’t be in a hurry and if this were me, I’d stick with OEM parts to make sure of using the right ones.
Replace plugs and wires ONE AT A TIME to avoid mixing them up.
Get a kid in the neighborhood to change those spark plug wires and vacuum hose. The engine sits sideways, the 6 spark plugs and wires run down the middle. There is probably a plastic cover which snaps over the center of the engine. This cover is easily removed. There is easy access to the spark plug wires.
Before you start, get a repair manual from the local parts store.