I would like to bust a couple of myths here. Small cars are not necessarily more uncomfortable than intermediate or large cars. The comfort is a matter of the seat. If it fits your back and butt, then it will be comfortable. A comfortable seat for one person can be tortuous to someone else. The most comfortable car I ever drove was a 90 Dodge Colt.
Next on comfort is noise. Unfortunately, small cars do tend to be noisier that larger cars. Small pickups can be really noisy, where larger trucks can be very quiet. Noise can also be affected by tires, so a change in tires can help here. I think some of the car manufacturers have an opportunity here to put more sound proofing in their small vehicles so they equal the larger ones, but since the margin on small vehicles is smaller, they really don’t have an incentive here to do that.
Third on the comfort list is ride quality. Most people think this is at the top of the list, but its not. Bigger vehicles do have an inherent advantage here. Tire and wheel selection can go a long way here. Ultra low profile tires will ruin the ride on any vehicle, and of course tire balance is very important too.
Basically you have a lot of decisions to make first. If the car is only used for commuting for yourself, things will be easier. I have an 02 Saturn that has been my commuter car. Out of the 232k miles on it, 221k have been for commuting. My wife’s car is our travel/shopping/going out vehicle and my small pickup serves the rest of my needs.
If you need a vehicle for multi purposes and multi drivers, then you need to make sure all those needs are met.
And last, I’d suggest ranking vehicles that meet your needs by total owner cost. Total owner cost includes fuel economy, insurance and maintenance costs. Then start driving them, a minimum of one hour or the time it takes to make a one way commute, which ever is more and pick one you can live with.
A lot of people here are branded, that is they will only consider one brand. For some, that may come from experience. For example, the seats used in a Honda may fit them better that other manufacturers, personally, they don’t fit me well. The Saturn doesn’t fit me well either but its ok for one hour, but I found out when I took a trip in it that an hour and a minute is the upper limit. Be open minded, you might be more comfortable in a brand that you might not otherwise consider.