I’m in the states. Trying to figure out what happens legally when you get into an accident and the car has to be towed because it’s unsafe to drive. If I get into a car accident and my car is no longer drivable, and needs to get toed, do I have to sign some sort of paperwork to allow the car to be toed? Can I call my own toe instead of the police? Can I have my car towed to my personal residence instead of the toe truck company’s toe yard? Do I have freedom of choice for were it is toed or can the toe truck company just take it to their yard because that’s what they want to do?
Thanks. I suspect they would want to toe it to their yard to collect the fees, like you say. Can the toe company go against my wishes and just toe it to their yard?
When my wife totaled our car, I just drove my shop tow truck (not for hire) at the time to the wreck and hooked it and booked it, my wife barely had time to jump in the truck… YES the police report had already been righten up and signed, the LEO stopped 4 lanes of traffic so I could grab it… I towed it back to my shop…
If the vehicle is blocking traffic or in a bad place, then basically your vehicle is 1st come 1st serve, they are NOT going to block traffic for you to wait for however long on your tow truck… And no business is going to want coolant and or oil all over there parking lot either, so who ever gets there 1st wins…
The police will use their TOW contract because the respond 24 7. Th3 tow company will take it to their lot. You’ll pay a daily impound rate until you or your insurance company decide where to take it. You have to at least pay the daily storage rate. In my case insurance had already received bids the next morning. Happens all the time.
You will have the initial Tow fee plus storage, so yes after ALL fees have been paid by either an Ins company and or you, for an additional fee (Charge) they will gladly tow it to your house…
Unless there is an ongoing investigation and waiting on it to be released by the ins/police…
Here’s a concept in the US often misunderstood. Anyone that provides labor, equipment, or facilities to someone else needs to be compensated for their service. No free ride. Pay the fees, pay for the additional tow, etc. no problem, but if you tow it to your house, don’t be surprised if having a disabled vehicle in your yard is not allowed.
… and, if someone isn’t able to repair it himself, then there is a second tow. On several occasions, I have seen people with zero mechanical skills ask to have their disabled vehicle towed to their home, and then, the next day, they have to pay for a tow to the mechanic’s shop.
In general municipalities have a contract with towing / recovery companies. Sometimes it is on a rotating basis. Whoever is on call that month (or whatever schedule they have) is called by the police to clear an accident. You can ask the tow company to take the car to where ever you want, if you are taken away by ambulance, in custody in a police car etc the car will be taken to the tow companies yard until you can deal with it. If you have your own tow service and they can clear the scene quickly you can use them. But everything has to happen quickly once the police allow the cars to be removed. There is a cost associated with all of this
If the car is blocking traffic the police can call a tow truck immediately. If you can get it off the road you can arrange for your own tow. How is it that you can spell towed but not tow?