Can the dealership repossess my car if they didn't collect the full sales amount?

insightful Trolls are notorious for their bad memories.

the same mountainbike I was born at 11:52 PM so I frequently use “I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.”

@Norska‌, why would you think that there are attorneys had that could answer your question? If you want a legal opinion, ask a lawyer. If I had to guess, I would say that you do owe them the balance whether they made a mistake or not. If you are looking for free legal advice, you might try your city or state attorney’s office. Unless paying off in two installments costs you extra money somehow, you really don’t have much to stand on. If it does cost you extra for some reason, you might see if they will provide some service for free like an oil change or tow to make up for your extra cost.

Sal should have been satisfy with the $10 payment before giving you a receipt. With that receipt in hand, you are protected from Sal’s frivolous claims. Likewise if you indeed have a receipt that says you paid $8000, then the dealer has to proof that you didn’t use another form of payment. But think about what happens when you stand before a judge claiming that you paid the 2000 in untraceable cash and the dealer shows a video that proofs otherwise.

If the OP wanted legal advice he should have searched out a board that student or professional attorneys post at. There must be some…though I’d take there advice as suspicious as a used car salesman.

I’ve had to call my bank a few times and it has never taken more than ten minutes to get my answers.

Hi bank, this is Joe Schmo. I purchased a car from Goobers used cars and Tattoo parlor on July 4th for $8000, but Goober called and told me that they only took $6000 from my account. Could you verify that only $6000 was paid. My account # is XYZ.

Hours…I think not.

He’s expecting an apology, and I’m sure the dealership will give him one, once he comes in and pays up the $2000. Though I doubt that it will be an honest one, but just a formality.
Had he came in right away it may have been sincere, but I have a feeling he’s had the letter a week if not more.


“I have a feeling he’s had the letter a week if not more.”


If somebody is interested in…
doing the right thing…
maintaining a good credit rating…
and just being an honest person…
the correct course of action would have been to quickly verify the exact amount that was debited, and then to immediately go to that dealership in order to pay the required amount.

Asking for legal advice on an internet board staffed by anonymous people who may not have any legal training, rather than simply paying the obvious undercharge, is not the action of somebody who wants to do the right thing.

This is so true @VDCdriver.

I once went to a lady.s house to shoe her horses. I think I had only been there once before, but this time her father was there to hold the horses. When I was finished I wrote up the bill and added it up in my head. He had made out her check that she had signed and handed it to me.

On my way home I happened to add up the checks and cash that I had received that day. For some reason the numbers were not coming out right. When I looked at the bill…I had mistakenly charged her an extra $10. I made out a check for ten dollars and went straight to the Post office and got it in the mail.
I was afraid that she would think that I was trying to cheat her.

A week went by and I got a letter from her thanking me for my honesty included with a $10 bill and my returned check. So I got a nice total of $20 tip for being honest, and around 1985, $20 would have been an great tip.


So much blather IMHO. You owe the money it needs to be paid, period. The judge would allow tacking interest on. Taking about having a receipt, etc is the same as the signs saying not responsible. Don’t expect an apology, expect that they think you were trying to pull one. Debit card transaction authorizations that you must sign first have the amount on them. Should have taken ten minutes to clear up, not a day. Sheesh.

Gee, an “8” transposed as a “6”…there’s a typo I’ve never heard of…

I presume he’s talking about where the seller writes in the mileage at the time of sale.


I’m talking about $8000 being transposed as $6000 when the seller debited the buyer’s account. Are you on the right thread, Yosemite? Anyway, it’s past my bed time…

It’s human nature I suppose to hope against hope that when a substantial amount of money is involved that there is some little glitch in the works that will allow them to keep that money.

About 15 or so years ago a local guy not too far from here received an income tax refund check for 26,000,000 dollars.
For that much I’d have taken a stab at cashing it and skipping the country. :slight_smile:

Not only can they repo the car, you may have a hard time getting your six grand back…

Pay them!

@insightful; you’re right I’m on the wrong thread.

Bed sounds good.



If the OP expects us to believe that he really intended to pay his debt to the car dealership, all I can say is…


The debit receipt you signed shows that only $6000 was debited. You want us to believe you signed for a purchase of what you thought was $8000 yet didn’t notice the difference? You knew this yet waited for the dealer to find the mistake. Did you think they wouldn’t? And now that the dealer has you question what they can do? You sir/ma’am are being an a$$ hat, I kind of hope they repossess it and you spend a year in court straightening it out.

You are asking this panel to condone illegal/doshonest behavior. OF COURSE you owe the additional $2000 and Judge Judy would tear you to shreds in small claims court.

Well, it has been two days since the OP’s last attempt at back-pedaling and rationalizing, so I think he has come to the realization that the regulars in this forum are not supportive of his concept of morality.

I could be wrong, but I doubt if he is going to return to this thread as a result of not seeing any “good for you…screw the dealership” posts from us.

Forty years ago, I worked with a doofus who insisted if you paid for gas with a 100 dollar bill and the gas station couldn’t give you the correct change, the gas was free.

I am not sure OP was trying to beat them. I subscribe to the old saying: Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.

There are people who are that ignorant of basic contract law, things that the rest of us have known for many years.