Bumper Sticker Removal?

Depends on the particular politician :smiley:

Usually I say no to any dealer stickers (license frames are OK), but I have saved several as mementos over the years. Canā€™t say I really know where they are but Iā€™m sure they are some place safe. They were either the plastic or metal variety though.

Got to put the gun rack back up in the window of my pickup with guns before I put the Biden sticker on my bumper, yea gonna do it! :wink:

Thatā€™s true, many below average muttā€™s are smarter than most politicianā€™s too! :smiley:


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say that. I mean look at the guy in office now. He got trained to roll over, play dead, and sit before his master way faster than any dog Iā€™ve ever trained. But itā€™s true that most politicians will do just about anything for a biscuit.

I take it the OP is not going to come back and tell us what the bumper sticker is that he wantā€™s to remove so badly.


My bumper sticker reads "WHERE I S STASSEN NOW WHEN WE NEED HIM?

When I was a kid, Harold Stassen was the continual butt of jokes, simply because of his perennial candidate status, and I didnā€™t really know anything about him. Recently, I read about his platform positions, and had to conclude that he would have made a very good, progressive POTUS.

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Till death do us part. Speaking of death, Eugene McCarthy was more our butt of jokes. Now Iā€™ve asked nicely but can we please move on before someone mentions der Fuhrer?

Now that we are on this whole subject, in Minnesota I could make a wild guess. The guy died years ago but still I will see a bumper sticker with his name preserved. Iā€™ve seen his bumper stickers on brief cases, bulletin boards, etc. Iā€™m sure heā€™s been dead 15 years or more but people just canā€™t seem to move on. He was their hero.


@bing. I remember seeing Eugene McCarthy on a late night talk show. I think it was the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. At any rate, McCarthy suggested we should elect the Vice President and then the Vice President would appoint the President. His reasoning was that the Vice President position is such a low prestige position that only a humble person would seek the job and would be the perfect person to appoint the President.
I think nations ought to be able to trade leaders just as sports teams trade players. I think the U.S. should trade the present President for Englandā€™s Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth is a motorhead. She would appoint Jay Leno as Vice President. With difficult questions we have on CarTalk that we canā€™t answer, we could forward these questions to the Whitehouse.

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Yeah that would work. Reminds me of that old joke. The squad had been out in the field for a month so the Sarge came out and he said, ā€œboys youā€™re all going to get a change of underwear this morning. George you change with Harry. Ben you change with Joe, . . . .ā€ Happy happy happy.