Brake caliper slide pins are not equal

When replacing a brake rotor recently (Nissan Versa 2010), I noticed that the two slide pins on the brake caliper were not the same. One has a smooth metal shaft, and one has a bumpy, rubbery sleeve on it part of it. My repair manual makes no reference to them being different. I’m not even sure if I put them back in the same positions they were in.
Does it matter much in what position they go back in?
Could the rubbery bumpy one be a cause of intermittent slight caliper stickiness on that side, and if so, would it be OK to experiment replacing it with a smooth pin, like the other pin?


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Good article with interesting replies on it, Tester.

Did you notice the author’s name, shown right at the bottom of the article? “Jeremy Nutt” … lol … Definitely a great name for a mechanic, fastener related, but I wonder if that’s his real name?

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Or one of the people that replied - “Travis Crank”. I’d be surprised if that’s the name on their driver’s license.

They are the cause of stuck pins many times. They swell up and prevent sliding. Some swell so bad it requires a torch to pull the pin out. They may be used as some sort of dampening. I have never found online any kind of explanation. They may swell from using the wrong grease but who knows… If I have replacements I put new ones on but If not I just remove it and leave them off. Sliding goes back to normal. Never had a comeback for leaving them off.

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So do you mean you sometimes leave both slider pins off of one caliper, or just the one pin with the bumpy rubber sleeve?

There have been a few other posts here about the brake caliper slider-problem. One of the two slider pins often passes through a rubber isolator bushing, and that can be a sticking point on used calipers apparently. The best solution is probably just to replace the caliper ass’y with a new one.

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I do not put the rubber on.

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Thanks, understand now.