Bonnie & Clyde... fast forward 85 years... Would Clyde still choose a Ford getaway car?

On a more serious note, I’m interested to know if any particular vehicles are more likely to be targeted for the epidemic of carjackings.

Obviously, carjackings are mostly committed against victims who are easiest targets of availability but I wonder if certain cars are considered best for the armed taking.

Makes me wonder about having such dark tint on all windows (except windshield) on my Grand Prix. It’s tough to see any detail inside the car from outside the car.

I’d never carjack, but if I did, I’d probably target my car or another with dark tint.

Rental cars and cars with out of state plates make easy targets. That’s why rental companies no longer put their names on their cars.

All this reminded me of a song.

Look me shirts them a-tear up, trousers are gone
I don’t want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelites

I am not sure where you are seeing and “epidemic” of carjackings but the simplest solution to carjackings is to lock your doors.

Also, never leave your car parked and running. I have actually witnessed a guy get his car stolen that way. It wasn’t hot, it wasn’t cold, there was NO reason for the guy to leave the car running. He went into the Quickie Mart and a guy jumped into his car and drove it away.

Now if you want an epidemic - people in my area getting stuff stolen out of their UNLOCKED cars while they are sitting in their driveway. Laptops, guns, briefcases whatever they leave behind in UNLOCKED cars. Did I say UNLOCKED?? :roll_eyes:

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Not just your area . Our addition has 52 homes . Only 4 actually use their garage for both cars. Someone went through one night and found 17 vehicles unlocked . The haul for them : 3 laptops - 2 purses with money and credit cards - 50.00 dollars in a console - 2 guns and who knows what else.

Marnet , car jacking is an opportunity crime . Car theft of certain vehicles can be a chop shop wanting a specific vehicle because they have a place to sell those parts.

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I have an old truck that I park on my driveway. I don’t keep anything of value in it at all, and I leave it unlocked because I figure it’s better to let them paw through the thing and find nothing than to have them break a window and find nothing, but now I have to replace a window.

Strategy works OK. I have neighbors who had their windows broken out, while the only damage to my truck was that the seat belt got a little wet because the jerks left the door open in the rain.

For bonus points, I also have security cameras, which have caught everyone who’s gone into the truck. So far, it’s always been idiot high school kids playing a game called “car shopping,” where they split up into pairs and go to different neighborhoods throughout town breaking into cars, then compare what they stole at the end of the night to declare a “winner.”

Armed carjackings are on the rise in many major urban areas. I happen to live in the greater St. Louis MO metro area where it has become an increasing problem. Most perpetrators are young males, many as young as 13 to 14 years old.

According to multiple articles I’ve read, the increase of carjacking of victims as they are getting into or out of their cars is at least partly due to technology. Many cars now will not function without the key fob nearby, so old fashioned hot wiring doesn’t work on those cars. So carjackers need to grab a car along with the keys, hence armed holdups of victims. Even more alarming is the increase in victims being shot despite immediately complying with handing over keys, phones, wallets, purses.

Some of the stolen cars are used for other crimes. Some appear to be used for joyriding and fairly quickly dumped.

This is an entirely different issue than parked vehicles being broken into.

Speaking of dumb robbers… some years back, a guy drove up to the quickie mart, went inside and presented a $20 bill, asking the cashier for change. When the cashier opened the register, the crook pulled a knife and demanded the money. In the haste of it all, he forgot his $20 and to top it off, got less than $20 from the register. So he left with less than he came in with…

Thieves like to steal older cars because they are easier to get into and drive away. Popular brands are also in higher demand for parts. They are easier to fence than unpopular cars.

I don’t know about cars preferred for car jacking, but it’s the ole “situation awareness” issue. If you are at risk, you always need to be aware of people and conditions around you. Hiding places like corners of buildings, between other cars, pillars in garages, etc. Are there street lights or outside lights out that is unusual and so on. My dental receptionist had an encounter in the Walmart parking lot, but she pulled out her 9 millimeter and he ran away. We taught to follow your intuition and don’t be afraid to offend someone by crossing the street to avoid someone, or not making eye contact, and for sure not answering a question such as what time it is, as a means to get close to you.

You might want to contact your local Safety Council affiliated with the National, and ask about simple self-defense training. Not Karate but avoiding the conflict all together. If they want my car though, I guess they can take it and the fob, and I’ll just call Onstar to have them disable the car and tell me where it is.

Oh I’m the overly cautious, vigilant type. My mom grew up in Detroit and made sure to teach me “street smart” observation skills that have served me well over the years. :wink:

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Please be careful. I don’t see how the affirmative action anecdote was really relevant here. I can’t speak to your intent, but let’s not go there. Thanks.