I think that atmospheric pressure decreases at higher altitudes. Therefore, you should keep the vacuum cleaner as low as possible. It would be great if vacuum cleaners were equipped with altimeters. When I was a kid and had to clean my upstairs bedroom, the lower efficiency of the vacuum cleaner at higher altitudes was why my room was never very clean.
Thank you for your concern. I recently left for 4 months.
The canister has wheels so you do not have to drag it around, simple enough.
This meathead will not let me do anything. He even cooks most of the meals.
His way is the only way! …can you say “CONTROL FREAK”?
Yikes, I’ve never been called the names he calls me…It’s not acceptable for someone who supposedly loves you to call you names. With his controlling habits and name calling it seems as if he is a sort of abuser. But, it also seems as if there is some humor in your words, which is it?
I don’t like it when my wife tries to clean anything. She is impatient and doesn’t really pay attention to detail, so dishes, floors, etc only become mostly/partly clean when she does the cleaning. We have an agreement: if I don’t get to a cleaning task before her I can’t complain about her less meticulous work- though I do intervene when she is about to break something. She tries not to think I am a jerk and I try not to think she is a slob.
If I could come up with some semi-plausible argument that would convince my wife to abstain from certain tasks I wouldn’t hesitate to use it. Ah, Bernoulli’s principle…
My OCD S.O. has put a sprinkler on the roof to cool the house! I appreciate his trying to understand theories, but I’m not buying what he’s selling. I’ve cleaned bed and breakfasts while going through school at University of North Carolina, I cleaned homes, hotels, and it just seemed like a total overreaction to my housecleaning. I am very particular and enjoy cleaning “our” home. I’m studying feng shui and want to improve our space. I am trying to keep a cool head. If one of us can stay bouyant maybe the police won’t be called. It is what it is. I apologized for coming back. we were doing OK apart!
I know when Jason my son was growing up his friends would always run in and mess up what ever cleaning I had just done so I’ve learned to let some things go. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything.
That would be a good rule, I will abstain from vacuuming ever again in Dave’s presence.
We have wood floors so I’ll just sweep! Click and Clack would be proud.
Triedaq used the same excuse with me on why his den, which is upstairs, was never clean. I put an altimeter on the vacuum cleaner and it gave the same reading upstairs as it gave downstairs. I told him that a little elbow grease is needed to overcome the higher altitude in his upstairs den.
Mrs. Triedaq
Yes, you a terrible big polluter.Have you no shame? Suck the dirt up with a rubber hose into your mouth, then spit it out in a EPA approved container.
So the fundamental issue is the exhaust from the vacuum is kicking up dust if left on the floor while vacuuming? Dang, that’s a harsh standard to live by.
What, is this a class 1 clean room used as a living quarters after business hours? Those are undiced Integrated Circuit wafers not drink coasters!!
Do you have to practice walking on rice paper without tearing it to prove you’re ready to walk around the house without stirring up any dust? We had to hire Jet Li to go on refridgerator runs for us during the short commercial breaks…
This is one of those situations that make OCD people stand and vibrate with indecision- What do you do first, dust or vacuum?
He put a sprinkler on the roof to cool the house?
Sincere best of luck. If you stay, you’re gonna need it.
Wow, now what does all the sci-fi double talk mean?
Bernuolli’s Theorm, simple stated means that, the pressure of a fluid or gas, is inversly proportional to its pressure. This means as the speed of a gas or liquid increases, its pressure lowers. Vacuums contain impeller fans, similar to the fan on your ceiling or desk. These spin a titlted vane causing it to push air in one direction, and pull air in from the opposite direction. The faster the vane spins, the faster the air moves, ergo, the lower its pressure gets. This causes the air to cool acording to BOIL’S LAW, which states that: a gas or fluid’s temperature will rise or fall proportionatly with its pressure. Lower the air’s presssure and its temperature will drop. Thus, a fan makes the air cooler by speeding it up, and so lowering its pressure and temperature cooling you down. Reducing the pressur of a gas creates a partial vaccum. The vacuum’s design is such that a partial vacum is created inside the nozzel of the vacuum by the impeller fan. This causes air to be drawn into the nozzel head, pulling dirt with it. However, Tom and Ray’s answer is not correct. The wheels of the vacuum are there primarily to keep the nozzel of the vacuum tilted uppwards, allowing air to slip in at the back, not to reduce friction. With no wheels, the nozzel of the vacuum would sit flat agasint the floor. This would block the nozzel mouth and not allow air to enter, just as putting you palm over the vacuum hose does. The wheels are of a size that they keep the nozzel titled at an angle that tests have shown, is the optimal angle of attack to the floor to allow the greatest air flow into the nozzel to be had. Thus, removing the wheels could negate any suction at all, or at best, it reduces the efficentcy of the vacuum overstressing the motor and casusing it to wear out prematurly.
Why is it that so many peole with educations in the sciences cannot exlain what they know in simple english that is understandable to the layperson? Are they just trying to show off and prove how smart they are?
HE, not YOU built the house YOU LIVE IN?!?!?!?! He has demonstrated engineering knowledge, and you none at all, and yet you presume to know more about engineering principles than he does? How do you define the word DUMB? Are you arguing with him just to argue and ruin your relationship? His calling you names is inappropriate, but hey, you are the one insulting him. He is the one with an education in engineering, not you, and you’re the one insinuating that he’s more stupid than you by telling him he is wrong. Based upon what, what education do you have in engineering? You trust him to build your home, but not to know more about simple mechanical engineering? Does that make sense to you? Stop arguing to hear yourself talk. When I talk with people about something I don’t know about, I keep my mouth shut and try to ask intelligent questions. Try it, you’ll get allong much better with people. Respect other people’s knowledge and experiance, and your life will be happier for it, and other people will like you more!
While watering the roof will cool it down, it is a very expensive way of doing it, as well as wastefull of a limited natural resource. A pair of fans, one blowing into the roof or crawlspace, and one blowing out, powered by sunlight in the attack, or crawlspace would be a much more viable option. Or if he wishes, you could, if the pitch of the roof is not too steep, purchase “Roof Planters” and start a garden on your roof. The plants would absorb the sun light before it reaches your roof keeping your roof in the shade, as well as improve the look of your home. Roof gardens are becoming a very popular way of keeping energy costs down, and there are many companys selling these systems on the web. Give them a looksee. At the bottom end of the cost spectrum is for you to just put a tarp over your roof. The tarp would absorb the radiant energy of the sun, not your roof tiles, and so slow the transfer of heat energy into your roof and so your house. In the winter, the tarp could be easily removed helping to lower your heating costs too. This is especially so if the tarp is a white fabric or is of a metalic fabric which will reflect a lot of light back into the air. You may have read of the new “white” colored asphalt cities are starting to use instead of the “black” traditional asphalt. It reflects much more light back into the atmosphere, helping to reduce the amount of heat near the surface of the road, helping to stem some of the “heat island” effect that comes with black asphalt. You could also plant trees on the south side of your house. When they grow they would increase the value of the property and the leaves would provide shade for at least part of the roof.
“When they grow they would increase the value of the property and the leaves would provide shade for at least part of the roof.”
For an OCD (or worse, a psychotic) person who is obsessed about microscopic dust particles, the leaves falling from deciduous shade trees would likely be a significant problem. If he is freaking out over dust particles that he cannot see, how do you think he would react to the autumn accumulation of leaves on the ground and in the rain gutters?
Like many people, you seem to confuse intellect and sanity.
The OP’s common-law husband may be well-educated and intelligent (despite his lack of comprehension of the Bernoulli Principle), but that does not simultaneously mean that he is sane. From the OP’s description, he is–at best–abusive, Obsessive-Compulsive, and unreasonable. At worst, he may well be a candidate for a rubber room at the nearest state mental health facility.
In addition to your spelling and grammatical errors, you have failed to grasp a key point in the original post. The vacuum cleaner in question is a canister-type machine, which means that the wheels support the body of the machine, NOT the nozzle (or nozzel if you prefer).
What you are theorizing may well have validity for an upright-type vacuum cleaner, but has no bearing on the functioning of a canister-type vacuum cleaner.
Excellent ideas Arjuna. Extra attic insulation, good ventilation, and shade trees are the best way to keep the heat down. A sprinkler on the roof is just a really weird approach. And, as you pointed out, it’s horrbly wasteful and probably expensive.
They also make very light colored asphault shingles to reduce absorption of the sun’s rays.
Dave is an abuser. Later it will be physical abuse.
What is the difference between Dave in his recliner and his vacuum cleaner?..The position of the dirtbag.
I should not have wrote this but could not resist.
Canister or upright refers to the body of the vacuum, they all have the same nozzles. If the nozzle sits flat on the floor, then the mouth is blocked and air cannot enter and pull up the dust and dirt. The nozzle must be raised up off the floor to allow a flow of air into the nozzle. It is simple mechanics how can anyone not understand it? If you block the nozzle of a canister-type vacuum it will not work. To prove the point, turn on your vacuum and listen to the sound of the motor. Now, put it on the floor so that the nozzel opening is flat against the floor. You’ll hear the motor start to strain because of the blocked aair way. Now, tilt up the nozzle so that it has free flowing air again. You’ll notice the motor sounds smoother and less strained. Blocking the air passage causes the motor to work harder. Simple mechanics, whether it is a canister or upright has no berring on air flow through the system.