I started the car in the supermarket parking lot, then I heard some buzzing, kind of like when you prime the fuel pump, but always on. I drove away and didn’t think anything about it. I got home with an insane smell of burnt plastic/electrical wires, even some smoke inside the interior. Once I shut the car off, I started the car and it ran like crap. Tried a couple more times and now it won’t run. It cranks but won’t start. I don’t hear the fuel pump “buzz” when I turn the ignition, so the fuel pump isn’t working, but do bad fuel pumps smell that bad? Or is it something electrical leading to the fuel pump? Please Help.
No, I was involved in an accident where the radiator broke causing coolant to spray everywhere, although I don’t think that would be enough to cause so many electrical problems.
I’m very frustrated, because I’ve been in and out of shops constantly. First my instrument cluster lights were faulty (due to a short), then my turn signals were not working (due to shortS), and now my fuel pump isn’t running. I’m pretty dispirited when it comes to this car and I’m thinking of just getting rid of it, which saddens me but I’ve been pretty down lately…
Found the problem! Many wires under the carpet were down to bare copper! Also found out the previous owner was pretty sketchy, about 2 feet of wire completely melted, melting the supporting plastic as well. I’ll prob replace the whole harness or the whole rear end wiring, lets see…