As we drive into 2025

… I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.


Happy new year, everybody. :partying_face:


Happy New Year everyone!!!

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Happy New Year!

If you drink, be safe, don’t drive!


Yes happy new year. There is no way I’m going to make it to midnight though.


I’m sure that I’ll be nodding-off in front of the TV by 9PM, or so, but I always set the alarm on my cellphone to wake me at 11:30, so that I can be awake for the midnight hour.


Flying home from Seattle tonight on the red eye. We’re here to take care of our granddaughter while her parents went to a wedding Saturday night. I’ve heard that some airlines provide one free drink to ring in the new year. I might have one. The plane leaves at 9:30pm. We should be on MST when midnight arrives.

You poor youngins. I remember when the drinks were free all the time and the smokers just sat in the back of the plane. On the other hand, no one said thank you for your service.

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I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year. May it be better than this year.
Well, My son made me a grandfather this year, Of Twins. And my daughter got engaged. so, I’m not sure it can get better. LOL


Happy new year, everybody! :smile:

Well, it got off to a good start for me

I had some delicious Costco “2025” tuxedo chocolate mousse cake at midnight :yum:

Since I didn’t have to drive into work today, I slept in a little later. But after breakfast :coffee: and feeding our creatures, I did work on 2 of the cars in the driveway. Sway bar links and bushings

And I have the “privilege” of picking up people at the airport later this evening :flight_arrival: :roll_eyes:


Happy New Year everyone. May God bless each of you and your loved ones. Happy and safe motoring to you.


Could be worse. I got to fly from Seattle to Baltimore/Washington on a New Year’s Eve red eye, then we drove home. I hate overnight flights, but since my son in law paid for our tickets I was happy to accommodate his choice.

My last flight in uniform was from LAX to DFW and myself and 6 other Marines were the only passengers on a 727. How lucky can a fella get?

DFW is Dallas Fort Worth?

Yeah been there. Our host took us to that steak house with a slide and dance floor. Had a speacial like a 50 ounce Texas steak. If you ate it all it was free, otherwise something like $50. Not my deal but fun to see someone try.

Yes.Love Field as best I can recall.

That does fall into the “good old days” category, before airlines were deregulated. More flights, more leg room, airlines competed based on service. Remember champagne breakfast, in coach?
Four hour flights got snacks plus a full meal.
If senators, representatives, and cabinet officials were required to fly coach, then we might see a return to better flying experience.