Hi all, I’ve learned hat I need new front Strut / Coil Spring / Mount Assembly kit, but at the moment I’m on low budget (thanks Covid for that) and I was looking on rockauto for some affordable one. I tried to read some review on a brand called " PRT ", but I can’t find anything. So I’m seeking information about this low cost brand
Thanks !
Here’s the link of the product: More Information for PRT 814513
I’ve read that I should go with brands like Monroe, Gabriel, Moog or KYB and run away from FCS, but I was wondering if PRT could do the trick for a while.
Soo a US division (P.R.T.) fronting for a Chinese shock and strut manufacturer (A.D.D.).
The home page of PRT has this…
The last word should be “ManufacturING”…
Not to be Professor English here but if they can’t use proper English on their website, how good do you think their products are?
How confident should you be in that diagnosis?
My 1999 Honda Civic has its original struts, springs, and shocks. It has needed new upper control arms.
Well, that open my eyes
. English isn’t my first language either so
. Ty for the info !
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My mechanic told me the strut was “tired” and that I would need to think about it. He said it would be easier to replace with the whole kit, but I know I could go with the strut only. Anyway, pretty sure I can keep going a bit with the one in place, the car doesn’t feel like a pogo stick yet. Was simply wondering about that PRT brand that I couldn’t find any info on 
Your mechanic has X ray vision if he can see inside that strut and call it tired.
If it isn’t leaking and car isn’t dribbling the tire like a basketball, the strut does not need to be replaced.
I’m with Mustangman, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, especially if you’re temporarily tight on cash.
Another alternative to save some money is to just replace the strut. I had to go that route once when a complete assembly simply wasn’t available for the car.
Harbor Freight spring compressor, KYB struts, just be sure to follow the instructions, work slowly, carefully and observe all safety precautions.
Keep driving and keep the money in your pocket for now. Thank the mechanic for his suggestion and tell him you’ll will be back when there is a leak or the struts don’t dampen properly. Also, don’t tell him what parts to use if he does the work. He can figure that out on his own. If the replacement doesn’t work out, you want to blame the whole thing on him. If you provide the parts or tell him what’s to use, he can just blame the parts and you are SOL.
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Agree with the others. If you’re not noticing a problem, new struts are WAY down the list of things to do when money is tight.