Alzheimer's: Is there any link to car mechanics?

For a while now I have always packaged the thought of Alzheimer with Testosterone. I have no real reason for saying this it was just a correlation I decided on as the difference between the number of cases in women as compared to men… T was the first thing I thought of, or what T can turn into? I have no idea if this is a logical leap to be making, but there it is, I said it. Now I have to go look it up

He and Ray both ran the Good News Garage from the 70’s to the 2000’s. He was a mechanic.

There are research projects underway looking at that link. Low testosterone seems to have a correlation with dementia in males. But that’s correlation, which does not guarantee causation.

I always got the feeling that Tom didn’t do much actual work, and Ray was the one who really ran the shop. Of course, that all might have been an act for the show.

She probably also knows that broken cookies have no calories. Nor do fries taken from someone else’s plate…Lot’s of tricks out there…


Free food is also calorie-free!
Just do some grazing on the free food samples at Costco, and you won’t gain weight!

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