All used vehicles as is?

I sold my 03 ranger with 70k 7year extended warranty. It cost $100 to transfer, as it was at 4 years and 40k miles. Helped getting a few more bucks, but sold as is for me with ford in charge of any warranty repairs.

I’ve never leased a vehicle. I thought perhaps you were supposed to maintain one as a condition of the lease and provide documentation.

Quick update. Our regular mechanic doesn’t do transmission service. He recommended going to a transmission shop.

the leasing company doesn’t keep those records, you could ask Hyundai if they have records and if it is possible to either obtain them or at least get a list of work previously completed

Edit, yes you are required to complete maintenance, but I don’t know that many people who lease bother with it since they’re not worried about the car’s longterm value

Im on my third leased vehicle in the past 10 years. For the two cars I’ve turned in, no one checked any maintenance records.

Thanks for the information. I suspect lack of available maintenance records is probably why Hyundai’s warranty for the second owner is shorter than it is to the first.

No , that is common for allmost all manufactures .

And that’s probably the reason.

No , that is just the policy . The records have nothing to do with it.