A Second Childhood Car

I love stories like this. Guy gets his dream car after the depreciation has worn out of it. These cars, 3 years ago would have sold for $28K or so. $13K appreciation over 3 years shows just where they are headed, Up.

Enjoy your dream car as it appreciates. Can’t beat that with a stick!

My SIL said they are selling new ones and this was expected to drive up the value of the older ones.

He was allegedly out driving it Sunday, but when I talked to him as I crossed the border to take the bus to our home in Mexico, he admitted he mostly spent his day waxing and cleaning it to perfection. Cheaper than driving it, heh, heh.

My intention in posting was neither to complain nor to boast. I thought and still think if your SIL buys an exotic car, it deserves to be on this thread. Is there anyone here who would not post it if his SIL got one? I thought it was newsworthy.

My brother bought a 1972 Maserati Indy several years ago for $22K:

Does he drive it?

Does he drive it?

Oooohhhhhh yeeeeaaaahhhhh…

Honda has decided to produce (after years of false starts) a modern NSX. The NSX is known as the car that forced Ferrari and other supercar manufacturers to realize that they could no longer get away with masking poor quality with high performance and aesthetic beauty and selling it for outrageous prices. The original NSX offered near-supercar performance for far, far less money and with reliability good enough to use as a daily driver.

Honda’s decision to manufacture a modern version of the NSX should cause renewed interest in the original, and that should cause the value of the original NSX to greatly appreciate. IMHO it’s a much better investment than just about any hard asset out there right now. And you can enjoy it while it appreciates. That makes it priceless.

The comment on the Maserati, many years ago my niece (an incredibly beautiful and very small woman) drove us to a wedding one day. She worked for a government official, later for the Marxist candidate for president.

She drove us in a Maserati sedan. Except for the name it was pretty much an ordinary sedan. I had never ridden in a Maserati, nor probably seen one before. But, it was not at all a memorable car, just a car as far as I was concerned.

I tried not to think just how a government official had a Maserati to loan his assistant. She actually drove it a lot. She was assigned to monitor elections all over Mexico, and drove there. Knowing her, I imagine she really drove very fast.

When I say fast, I mean fast. A few years ago, a friend, a successful business man left our capitol city at 7 am, and checked in to a hotel in Monterrey at 5 pm, It takes us nearly two days for the same trip. He said it’s easy, just run 160 kph, 100 mph. And, no one bothered him at all. I see cars passing me at that sort of speed.

Later, when she worked for the Marxist candidate, she arranged a helicopter trip for some very important people. She was scheduled to go along, But since she was up all night making arrangements, her boss told her to go home and sleep and skip the trip. The helicopter crashed and all aboard were killed.

I tried not to think just how a government official had a Maserati to loan his assistant

Odd how those “Marxist” officials always seem to have VERY expensive cars, homes and clothes. Everyone is equal, some are always a bit more equal! :wink:

LOVE that Maser, even IF it might require a live-in mechanic!

I was thinking this over the other day, and wonder if my memory banks were busted back in March, and that car she was driving might have been an Alfa Romeo. Simply not sure any more. At the time I thought it was a Maserati so that is what I wrote. Oops!