I have an '06 chrysler town and country 3.8l., Touring model.
I had a vacuum at -30 psi, then I attached the yellow hose to refrigerant cans and the cans emptied. But the pressure stated negative. The air stop blowing hot and started blowing cool, though not cold, briefly but then hot instead.
You are supposed to keep the cans moving, per the instructions on the bottle, and if I shook too much it started coming out, so I KNEW when it was coming out of the can and not going into the system, and when it was not… The cans hissed and blew a slight breeze around the adapter joints, but i fI shook to hard it got worse, bubbled, spat bits of liquid.
The guages never changed at all.
What happened?
I don’t know what happened but I do know you need to take it to a AC shop as AC is not DIY to much of a chance of messing the system up or hurting yourself.
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Sounds like the coupling was not properly connected to the service valve.
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Here’s another vote that A/C work should be done by a professional.
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A gauge set will read system pressures. With motor running or not. Close valves. Hookup low side. Screw in adapter so it sees system pressure. What does gauge say? With motor off.