I’m already through the process but haven’t actually signed the paper work, i want to get a 99 camry for $3300 including tax title license… is this smart?! my brother whose great with cars checked it out and said it looks great! It’s a steal. And according to KBB its says its worth at least $5500. I’ve heard Camry’s are reliable but i’m so nervous to buy it. What are some of the things i should be aware of? On Auto Checker it rated a 82.
Please Help
In 1 month the car will be 10 years old since model years start in September. It has 225,000 miles. It may be in good condition but IMOO it is not worth this much, even though the Camry is a quality car. Just because Kelly BB, NADA, etc. state a vehicle books for such and such does not mean it is worth that much.