98 honda crv sudden death

I have a 98 Honda Crv, I heard a noise, which sounded like I had picked up a branch and was dragging it under the right side of the car…a scratching noise (once or twice within a 5 minute time frame. stopped the car, left it running looked under the car…nothing. Continued home approx. 10 miles, no more strange sounds.

Parked, turned off car, came outside 5 minutes later, back into the car tried to start it nothing happens and I can only see fight sign on power to dashboard lights.

Wait an hour, go back out, no clicking sounds as in trying to start but more power to dashboard lights and a new sound like a fan bland tapping …this sounds like it is coming from the ac vent on passenger side…HELP, whats going on? or in this case what is NOT going on?