2023 Toyota 4Runner - Dash lights go out

All lights go out on dash boards at various times

It should be under warranty, what did the dealer say??

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Have an appointment but they tell me it could be two day drop off. Dealer said the 23, 24 Toyotas having lots of electrical couple. i never heard that, have you?

I don’t have grey hair, I have wisdom highlights.


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typo sorry “electrical trouble."

I don’t have grey hair, I have wisdom highlights.


I have heard of issues like yours. Usually on Italian, German and Swedish cars. Rarely if ever on Toyotas.

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There isn’t anything we can do except help you work through what theealer’s diagnosis says. Since it’s warranty work, it’s likely you won’t hear about the diagnosis until it is returned fixed. Yes, I am optimistic, but there should be a resolution at Toyota’s cost.

The only thing I see at NHTSA.GOV is that long term storage can have an adverse effect on electrical systems. If there is a long delay between the build date and your date of delivery this issue might be present. Toyota dealers are aware of it through several manufacturer communications to dealers. This is FYI. Don’t tell the dealer anything about it. You might ask about it if there is no resolution. You can check the build date with your VIN.

I don’t recall hearing that here before. We do hear all the time about problems with car’s electrical sensors, computer systems, and in-car entertainment systems. Seems especially the case w/ newer cars. Maybe that is what the dealership means. If so, that’s not just a Toyota thing, applies to most makes these days. I tend to doubt there’s much in the way of systemic electrical system problems on Toyotas that is different than other makes.

I sure hope not, I just bought a new 23 Tacoma