2022 Nissan Altima - Unintended acceleration

This has been going on far longer than drive by wire stuff and the 2022 Altima as far as I can tell is still mechanically linked from the brake pedal to the booster to the master cylinder…

Now an EV or Hybrid maybe, but an old fashioned braking system did not glitch, even if the throttle got stuck or something, which can happen, it does not explain the harder the brake pedal was pushed the faster the vehicle acerated… But when this almost happens 44 times a day and yet I don’t remember any recalls for vehicles driving through buildings due to a glitch, then I am going to go out on a limb here and say that 99.9999% of the time it is human pedal error…

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All these people saying “driver error” or “trash/floormat/other debris near the pedals” are missing the point. Why is it that these problems became much more frequent when manufacturers changed to electronic throttle bodies? Why does this virtually never happen on older vehicles with a cable-actuated throttle body? No one has been able to articulate why, for example, the 2002-2006 Toyota Camry (which has an electronic throttle body) had way, way, way more unintended acceleration complaints, and even lawsuits, compared to the 1997-2001 generation (which had a cable-actuated throttle body). So no, I do not believe driver error is the only explanation…and I also would NEVER buy a vehicle with an electronic throttle body, electric power steering, electronic parking brake, etc.

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Why do the drive by wire problems become more frequent for under 20yo and over 65yo people?? Why not equal with the other 21-64yo drivers?? There are way more drivers in that age range… And sadly pedal mix up affects women more then men, even though men are more likely to have a wreck then women… Drive by wire does not discriminate against age nor sex, so that points it back to driver error… Sorry, facts are facts…

This has been going on long before drive by wire systems… The reason you hear about it more now is simple, more vehicles and drivers on the road, population growth…


I’ve never driven a car, or even heard of a car that the brakes wouldn’t overpower even a wide open throttle. If the driver is pushing the brake pedal as hard as he/she can, I can’t imagine any way any car could keep from slowing and stopping, even with its throttle wide open. This includes some very powerful cars from the sixties.

I think this evidence alone makes it a foregone conclusion that the driver is not pressing the brake pedal in these runaway incidents.

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If you ever experience a brake booster failure you would likely have the vehicle towed because it is unsafe to drive.

This is what people experience when a throttle is stuck at full throttle (without an effective brake/throttle override system). After the brake pedal is pressed twice, there is no more vacuum stored in the brake booster and no brake assist.

During the last ten years the use of mechanical vacuum pumps has become more common to assure there is sufficient vacuum for vacuum type brake boosters.

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Sorry, not buying that for a moment. I’ve driven cars with the power booster not working, either because the engine wasn’t running while the car was towed or because the booster wasn’t working, and I’ll agree that the brakes work poorly. But I’ve been able to get the cars stopped, and that was without the panic that I think anyone would feel in a no-brake situation, which would surely result in pushing the pedal as hard as he/she could.

But we’re not talking about power brake failures here. Nobody mentioned booster failure for any of this events, and a catastrophic booster failure isn’t going to disappear after the fact.

Even if the booster failed, there’s still the simultaneous second failure that stuck the throttle wide open. Unlikely at best.

I’m familiar with the failed motor mount scenario on the old Chevrolets that set the perfect storm for situations like this: the mount breaks, the engine lifts up and jams the throttle open, pulls the hose off the brake booster and jams the transmission selector. By the time the driver gets around to turning the ignition key off the car has already wrecked. That’s not the case in any of these situations. There’s usually no evidence of any failed hardware, there’s only the driver’s word that they were on the brakes and the car accelerated anyway.

Sorry, not buying it.

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No booster failure, the brake booster requires a supply of vacuum to operate. You stated you never heard of a car that couldn’t be stopped at full throttle. Try it: floor the accelerator and pump the brake pedal to exhaust the vacuum supply and see how well the car stops.

Most of these crashes are caused by the operator applying the accelerator, that is aside of your claim that any vehicle should be able to stop at full throttle.

Prior to Toyota installing brake/throttle override software there were cases of stuck throttles in which drivers overheated the brakes in an effort to stop the vehicle.

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As said , more people and more vehicles plus the things like this can be shared world wide in seconds and it is easy content filler.

There were many cases of mechanical throttle assemblies getting stuck . Why are you depriving your family the comfort and safety of modern vehicles ?


BTW, diesel-electric locomotives are essentially “drive by wire”, when there is a multiple unit lash up , all engines are controlled by one engineer in the front cab. These go back to the 1930s.


Lets take the brake booster 100% out of the equation…

Simple really, in an automatic transmission 2wd vehicle, once you reach the stall speed of the torque converter and get the engine rpms above said stall speed, the drive tire(s) will begin to spin, if it has a posi/sure grip whatever differential, then both drive tires will begin to spin, if the drive tires have better grip then the other 2 braking tires, then the vehicle will move… Example, RWD vehicle with a strong V8, fresh new rear tires and worn out front tires, rear tires will have more grip than the front tires…

But I still stand by my previous post, it is driver error…

BTW, you are not stopping my fun car even at 1/2 throttle…


I guess you are not old enough to remember why vehicles went to a " cable-actuated throttle" linkage… Prior to that, the throttle was connected by hard steel-rod linkage… If in the event of a broken motor mount, and the driver accelerated hard (not even flooring the pedal…) the torque of the engine often caused the engine to lift off the broken motor mount and yanked the throttle wide open.

The first time it happened to me was on my '60 Pontiac Catalina, 389 ci, 4-barrel… I was making a Left hand turn and I wanted to beat the traffic that was coming and I hit the gas. At that moment, the engine heaved over, cranking the throttle wide open. When the engine lifted, the alternator lodged against the A-arm and created the worse noise imaginable as the pulley/fan spun against the a-arm. The car accelerated down that street, throttle wide open, the scream of the alternator pulley, and me being caught off guard with this. I pushed as hard as I could on the brake pedal and if the front brakes locked or not, I do not know, but that big engine kept power to the rear wheels until I gained enough sense to shut the engine off…

If this had happened when I was pulling into a parking space in front of a business, I imagine that I would have driven out the back door before I realized what happened…

After that, every hard linked throttle car I had had a chain bolting the engine down in case I lost another motor mount… By the way, this was a popular “add-on” for those of us that drove our cars hard or dragged raced…

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What you are not putting into this equation is the driver’s response time… If the vehicle suddenly springs ahead, there is going to be a short interval before the driver realizes what is happening and comes up with a response as in pushing HARD on the brake pedal… In that short interval, the car has jumped the curb, driven over the sidewalk, and crashed into the business…

And if the problem was caused I the first place by “pedal mix up” and the driver thought that they had pushed on the brake pedal and not the gas, then they will push on the gas even harder thinking they are stomping the brakes…

With mid-'60s Chevys, after a bunch of accidents that were the result of a broken motor mount that caused wide-open throttle, GM did a recall. Instead of installing stronger motor mounts, they installed a cable to prevent a broken mount from cranking the throttle open.

(NOS GM 325878 Engine Lift Stop Cable Kit 1965-68 Impala Chevelle 283 307 327 A/C | eBay)

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Yep, happened to me in my 59 Catalina. I was able to steer into a parking lot, both feet on the brake, think I finally switched off the engine.
Same with my parents Lark.

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And GM changed their design protocol for engine mounts to be completely wrapped in a metal shell to avoid that ever happening again. Live and learn.

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I wonder how the recalls were handled back then. DMVs did not have the computer systems they do today and if you did not have your vehicle serviced by the dealer, how would the manufacture ever find you? I do not remember ever hearing about any recalls in the news back then.

But I am still curious how the Pontiac ever found me in 1978 or so… Back in 1973, I bought my wife a '68 Pontiac Firebird with a 350 ci, but we lived in Phoenix, Arizona, then and the car did not have A/C… As much fun as it was to drive, it was a miserable driving experience in the summer. We sold it two years later in '75.

Years later, I was stationed in New York and I received a Recall Notice from Pontiac telling me that the Firebird was recalled due to the Space Saver Spare Tire. It came uninflated and it had soft sidewalls and the entire spare was barely larger in diameter than the metal wheel… It came with an air cylinder that you attached to the valve and inflated the spare when needed… But the soft sidewall did not age well and the tire often blew up. So, somehow they found me in another state, years later after selling the car…

Inquiring Minds Want to Know… but as my Grandmother would probably say, “It’s a wonder…”

Never had that problem with my 59 Pontiac but remember adjusting those rods for the shift points.

You probably never broke a motor mount, if you had, you would still be able to feel the “pucker factor” that it created… The complete feeling of helplessness until your brain catches up with reality…

My Cat came with the Big 389 ci, 4- barrel carburetor, 290 hp engine with a compression ratio of 10.5 to 1. Boy, did she drink premium… It also had four-speed Turbo Hydramatic transmission.

I know the carb was not standard as there was an intake manifold with a 2-bbl carb in the trunk when I bought it.

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As I said before, I’ve never driven a vehicle that this statement is true for. The brakes ALWAYS overpowered the engine, even the very powerful cars of the sixties and seventies.

Jeep did a demonstration in front of a reporter when the Grand Cherokee was the latest to be accused of unintended acceleration. The account from a book by Jason Vines who was the pr head at the time.

“Listen Jason, I can take you outside, put you in the vehicle, have you put your foot on the brake and then put the accelerator to the floor, shift into drive, and the Jeep won’t move a fucking inch.” “No shit?” “No shit. Unless they’re defective, the brakes will always overcome the throttle.” “The brakes always win?” “Always.” Finally! We had something the media could get their arms around. If the gloves don’t fit, you must acquit! The brakes always win. We went to the back lot where Winn demonstrated the power of the brakes over throttle. He was right. Within days, we had arranged for the business reporter who had been covering the crisis for the local NBC affiliate, WDIV, to come out to the Jeep engineering center. When Rod Meloni arrived, we told him what we wanted do: Rod would stand in front of the Grand Cherokee on live TV. Craig Winn would start the vehicle, firmly apply the brake, then push the accelerator pedal fully to the floor and shift into drive. Rod’s eyes bugged out with that “you’ve got to be shitting me” look. But, his brain was churning: the potential for certain death versus an exclusive story he knew would travel around the country, perhaps the entire world. “Mr. Winn, are you sure about this?” He asked with a nervous giggle in his voice. “Let’s put it this way: if I’m wrong, you’re dead; but Vines and I are fired!” As WDIV opened its six o’ clock news, the shot immediately went to Meloni and he set up the piece before the station went to commercial. Back on the air, it was show time. I think Meloni’s sphincter was on maximum tightness. Winn started the Jeep, stomped on the brake, hit the accelerator, revved to a constant 5,000 rpms and then shifted into drive. It was an ugly scene. As if possessed, the vehicle thrashed around like a bucking bronco on steroids, but moved not an inch toward the reporter. After 10 seconds, Winn shifted into park and turned off the beast. The air filled with the smell of pissed-off brakes.

The brakes had won. A few minutes later, Meloni was back on live TV. This time, he was in the Grand Cherokee as a passenger. One more demonstration was prepared to prove that brakes always win. Despite the claims of accident victims, if a customer was actually “on the brakes” the vehicle would stop, not go faster. On a lonely back street behind the complex, Winn hit the gas, accelerating to 30 miles per hour. Then, he floored the accelerator with his right foot as he slammed his left foot on the brake, bringing the vehicle to a grinding halt after 100 yards, where it bucked and snorted, still at full throttle, one last time, in perhaps an even more impressive demonstration. Meloni’s story found its way far beyond the Detroit city limits. We had finally broken through with facts in a crisis defined by horrible stories of accidents and deaths.

Vines, Jason. What Did Jesus Drive? (pp. 41-43). Waldorf Publishing. Kindle Edition.