2021 Mazda CX-5 - How to update GPS

Easy and cheap way to update GPS

As in replacing your whole infotainment center?? or adding apple/android car play?? or just a stand alone GPS unit???

I just use android car play and use google maps, works great so far…

Just getting an update for the 2021 CX5 GPS. Is there a way to buy a cheaper sim card that will intergrate with the CX5 system?

The prices for navigation map updates seem reasonable compared to other vehicle manufactures:

In the link below you can find map update information and Update to Latest Map links. You will need an SD card/USB adaptor to update your vehicle’s map SD card.


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Thanks mate - I’m in Australia but I guess it is possible to nominate which country you need

Use the Mazda Australia site: Help & Support | Mazda Australia

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