I am looking for a garage near me that excepts car shield
The people on this site have no way of knowing where you are or what repair shops will honor Car Shield. That is something that should be on the Car Shield web site.
Welcome to the forum Kimberly, you have been redirected to the Car Talk website, you can try the Repair Shops link at the top of the page for auto repair shops near you, it seems decent for my area, others maybe not so much…
You can also call around to shops around you and ask them… as mentioned above, check the Car Shield website for more details… Good luck…
New car dealers work with extended warranties every day. Shops that focus on vehicle maintenance probably won’t help you.
I’ve done hundreds of extended warranty’s over 17 years, most repair shops will deal with them, they either are set up like a national account, or just use a one time computer generated credit card for the exact amount once done… I don’t think the Walmart’s and Jiffy Lubes of the world that focus on maintenance, like said above, will mess with them, or know how to, but chain and or independent repair shops normally do, unless they have had issues with payment from that particular warranty company or they are hard/a pain to deal with, want you using low quality or used wear item parts…
Revealing the state where you reside might yield some helpful recommendations, based on people’s personal experiences. If I recommend a shop located hundreds of miles away from you, it probably wouldn’t be useful to you.