2013 Honda CR-V - Why the expensive diagnosis fee?

The diagnostic labor time is usually added to the repair labor time. Did you compare the repair labor you were charged with the labor time in a labor guide?

The customers should establish labor policy? How many mechanics stated they give away their diagnostic labor time?

That is no reason for a technician to forfeit his diagnostic labor time spent on a vehicle. If an hour is spent inspecting and diagnosing a problem and the labor to replace the part is 0.5 hours, the total fee should be 1.5 hours.



I figured that the diagnostics was incorporated into repair cost. No, I did not compare repair labor. Just happy cost was less than I feared :grinning:

Yep, reminded me of a continuing education briefing on compliance. I asked the presenter to explain bundling, she did not even know what I was talking about.

Looks like 8 words to me, but what do I know, I don’t have a masters degree in Math, but I can count on my fingers and toes…


Unfortunatly a casual infrequent visitor to this Forum might mistake nofyfb as a valid source .


His answers a lot of times are about as accurate as his counting ability…

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Good for you! The offensive message must’ve been the whole 16 words then.
“In two words” is a figure of speech that can be translated as “to make it short”.
You are welcome.

The phrase ‘in two words’ is a grammatical and usable phrase in written English. You can use it when you want to express a single idea or concept in a concise manner . For example: If I had to sum up my experience in the restaurant in two words, I would say “unmemorable food”.

But whatever helps you sleep at night sir…

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Have you ever worked with someone who is not able to express their idea concisely? Goes something like this

“I was thinking about this excess transmission fluid problem last night during dinner. I was having mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts. Oh, and a coca-cola. I always have a coca cola when I have mashed potatoes. I like to eat my mashed potates with a spoon rather than a fork. Sometimes I get complaints about that at restaurants. The trasnmission fluid problem came to my mind b/c I have been reading this new Steven King novel” … lol … lol …

I expect everyone has had this “why can’t they stick to the topic?” experience at one time or another .

I have a nephew with long hair. Hunches over his plate and shovels it in. Disgusting. Gets his hair in the food. When wet would go on choir tours, and would stay in peoples homes, our director would council us on how eat etc. to make a good impression. I thought everyone knew this stuff. If on a date, sit up straight, use your fork, and keep your elbows off the table, and yeah take your cap off at the table.

Oh yeah, I don’t read king anymore. The last one was intensity or something with the highway patrolman who kidnapped a girl. The guy has a sick mind.

Yes, knew a guy that every time he said “to make a long story short” would proceed to add all sorts of irrelevant information.


Wet? Did you ever go on tours when dry?

Auto correct. When we.

in two words: one reason why shops charge a diagnostic fee is to cover their expenses if the customer takes the techs diagnoses and tries to fix their own car. Whatever time and energy the tech has into the car is completely lost if that happens- but the shop still has to pay them.

another reason is similar: in that if the customer just decides to not fix the vehicle. Same concept- the shop still has to pay the tech for time put into the diagnoses, so this helps cover that.

Many shops will waive this diagnosis fee if the customer decides to get the repairs done at that shop. Not all shops, but some will.

I know I am just repeating what has already been said, but my years as a shop teacher doesn’t allow me to count as high as I used to be able to…

Commision paid techs are paid based on the labor hour fee collected from the customer. If the tech or service writer decides to “no charge” repair line or repair order, the shop won’t pay the technician for the time spent on the vehicle.


Unless put under a different misc line and given a N/C to the customer but paying the tech for their time…

Where I work the techs can fill out a form a plead for “unapplied” compensation for labor that was not billed. Next, the service writer will be questioned as to why the customer was not charged, then the finger-pointing starts.


I turned down being a store manager for personal reasons many times, but I almost always had store management permissions in the store POS system, and or the store managers password, and was never questioned anymore than a passing by hey, what happened to so and so?, so never finger pointing on my end, but i also helped train multiple teammates to become store managers as well…

@nofyfb_180405 I agreed with the second flag. Nobody’s trying to fight with you, and we aren’t getting rich by flagging your posts. Take it easy.