2013 Honda CR-V - Why the expensive diagnosis fee?

Oh, I did not realize your post was flagged until I read Ms Carolyn’s post just now, I did not flag it if you were meaning I did…

If I flag you, you will know it cause I will tell you why and in open form, I don’t scare easy lol…

The only post I have ever flagged was a Spam Bot (or what ever you call them) posting links or whatever…

So if you ever have a question about if I flag you or not, just keep reading cause I will sure tell you… Now there are those on here that don’t tell you when they flag you, ask me how I know… :crazy_face:… But then again, I haven’t seen anywhere that says you have to…

Way back years ago, there was someone that repeatedly filled up pages of garble. If I remember right it took five flags for it to disappear without moderator intervention. I think that’s the last flag from me. Everyone had to pitch in to get rid of it. He/she finally gave up.

I’ve never seen a post flagged here having content that might have appeared on the Car Talk radio program. And the radio program had a wide variety of content. It wasn’t just car related. The podcast I’m currently listening to includes a listener question about how to modify the recipe for bread at higher altitudes … lol .

I dunno because I never listen to either car talk or npr. If I happen to have it on I can only take a few minutes of their extreme misinformation before turning it off. Around here anything that came close to current events not in line with the official Narative was flagged. So your theory is kinda debunked. If you agree fine, if not flagged and called dangerous. Going back 3-4 years.

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I had a post flagged then removed recently, but I’ve never been able to figure out which one it was. It might have been the one about the Rolling Stone cover photo. Serves me right b/c Rolling Stone cover photos were never discussed on the radio program as far as I know.

I was flagged for calling Tom and Ray something (dopes maybe?) that they used to describe themselves as. This was maybe 20 years ago.

Unlike - apparently - you, I work and have other things to do rather than spend all my time arguing with all kinds of mopars.

For someone with little time for arguing you sure seem to do a lot of it.


Unfortunately, he has mistaken Car Talk for a different site by the name of Automotive Arguments.

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WTH does Mopars have to do with this???

I am not the one he was talking about…AGAIN YOU don’t read or understand what you are talking about…

Mr Volve said “Unfortunatly a casual infrequent visitor to this Forum might mistake nofyfb as a valid source .”

I am far from a casual and infrequent visitor and I would NEVER EVER consider you as a valid source…


“mopars” is a collective image.