2013 Honda Accord - is synthetic oil necessary?

Now weren’t you the one who had a fit when I used 5w20 in my wife’s Highlander instead of 0w20 a long time back? I seem to recall someone saying I was mistaken thinking “I knew more than the manufacturer” and that certain Toyota engines were prone to sludge, and that NH winters were so cold the 5w wouldn’t be advisable vs the 0w. Was that you?

For the record, I started using Supertech 0w20 when it became available decently priced anyway.

ST is 0-20? not in my town

I’ve already seen ST 0w16 which is required for new Toyotas…

at what point they will start driving on water? :slight_smile:

5w-20 is NOT as compatible in the Highlander as 0w-30. 5w-20 is probably not a problem.

Huh? The manual states that 5w20 can be used “if 0w20 isn’t available”, but to use 0w20 at the next oil change. So it’s apparently pretty compatible. It doesn’t say jack about any 30 weight. Although I do not think 30 will cause an issue in most anything that calls for 20.

Yeah, that was you. Ya ole rascal :grimacing:

Reading comprehension problem? I did NOT say it wasn’t compatible. I said 0w-30 is MORE compatible. It’s the winter weight of 0 that makes it more compatible.

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I can read the owners manual that says 5w20 can be substituted.

So what…that’s NOT what I said. Great straw-man argument. Argue against something I actually said.

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You didn’t imply lack of reading comprehension on my part?

You guys are great :wink:

You might want to pay some [little?] attention to my post 36 above about what before-W and after-W numbers are.

In this sense, 0W20 and 5W20 play in the same league, 0W30 and 5W30 in another

I guess I have to explain things to you.

I originally said.

5w-20 is NOT as compatible in the Highlander as 0w-30.

You then replied with -

Huh? The manual states that 5w20 can be used “if 0w20 isn’t available”, but to use 0w20 at the next oil change. So it’s apparently pretty compatible.

Show me where I said 5w-20 WASN’T compatible?

I stand by my statement of “Reading Comprehension”.

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Ah - NO… The W if for the FIRST number NOT the second number.

W stands for WINTER. 0W-20 means…When oil is cold oil’s viscosity is 0. 20 is the viscosity index at warmer temps.

So 0w-20 and 0w-30 are in the same league…5W-20 and 5W-30 are in the same league.

Yes. What do you base your assumption that 5w20 is not “as compatible” as 0w30 for the engine, considering the manual states 5w20 can be substituted but does not mention 30 weight? That’s what the “huh” was for.

As long as you spend most of your car engine running time in starts and stops in sub-zero temperatures… your logic works, but I was always under impression it is driving it what matters

If you ignore the 20 and the 30. Lol.

hehe… yeh :slight_smile:

actually, “0” in the front is not even a viscosity :slight_smile:

20 and 30 after W are viscosity indexes/designations

0w-30 wasn’t around when your vehicle was manufactured. Again…I’m NOT saying 5w-20 is NOT compatible. When the weather is -10 degrees…I’d much prefer 0w-30 in the oil pan.

Calm down, guys . . .

Here you go


But let’s stick to talking about a 2013 Accord . . .




Yes it is. Viscosity index tells you how well oil will flow.

0W-20 or 0w-30 is the thickest when the oil is COLD. 0w-20 when cold is thicker then 0w-30 when hot. Too thick oil may have a problem passing through oil passages. So the only problem you’re going to have with oil being too thick is when it’s cold. The last number being so low is mainly for fuel economy. We know that the 20 or 30 won’t impede oil flow since they are both thinner at normal operating temps then 0w at startup. 0w-30 may give more protection, but sacrifice fuel economy. As I stated…I’ve been using 0w-30 for over a year now in both vehicles and I keep meticulous records on maintenance and gas mileage. And I haven’t seen a significant drop in gas mileage.

If your store doesn’t stock it, you can have it delivered to your store for free pickup.


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