The maintenance log says every 90k for normal driving and every 60k for harsh driving conditions. I’m in NC and the car is used for normal city/ highway combination driving. Have contacted the local dealership multiple times and always get different answer: 60k, 90k, don’t need one because it has a chain (how come the dealership doesn’t know it has a belt, and doesn’t know the replacement interval) Does anybody know when l need to replace it? I’m at 57k now, and from having Hyundai’s previously, the belt did go to pieces at exactly 60k, but now I’m confused because the maintenance log says 90k for normal driving conditions.
The 2.0 engine in your Touring has a timing belt and the change interval is listed as you said. The 1.8 in the regular Elantra has a timing chain.
Since you have a 100000 mile warranty, I would email Hyundai USA and ask them if your warranty will cover engine destruction if the belt fails at less than 90000 miles.
Also, this is one instance where I would have the belt replaced at the dealer.
With an interference engine my vote is to err on the side of caution and do the 60k miles interval.
When it comes to timing belts I’ve never subscribed to the normal vs severe recommendation theory. To me anyway, I look at it as severe vs less severe with a very thin debateable line between them.
Thanks for the helpful info. I’ll err on the side of caution and will get the 60k. Still awed though at the fact that a dealership knows that little about their cars. Thx again
It’s not the dealership as a whole; it’s only a part of it. Customers generally interact with service writers and now and then with the service manager.
A minority of those people do not have much in the the line of mechanical ability and often only repeat what they’ve heard whether it’s accurate or not.
Sometimes to avoid looking ill-informed or downright clueless they may even resort to improv and come up with some very outlandish statements.