2004 Prius rear brakes make terrible grinding sound

Has your mechanic actually re-examined the brakes? Removed the wheels and drums?

Said so and knows the noise is from rear, but I didn’t watch them do it… I will ask again at the next service!

Eff em if a little bit of noise startles em.

My guess, only one drum was removed, and nothing was wrong on that side. If so, next step is to remove the drum on the other side. I’ve had this problem myself on my Corolla, rear drum brake noise, removed drum on one side, everything looked fine. Noise got worse, removed drum on other side, voila. It can be a bit of a chore to remove a brake drum, so easy to see why a shop wouldn’t want to remove both unless absolutely necessary. Generally the parts wear more or less the same on both sides, but not always.

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New brake shoes? Last week? So drums are now hard to remove? Why is that? Remove. Wheel. Remove drum. Drum is perfect. No ridge. No rust. Why is it hard to remove?

George, i highly doubt a modern (2004) Prius has any brake drums. It is far more likely the rears are disks.

A 2004 Toyota Prius does have rear brake drums . But the real question is why does George have to compare every vehicle question to his old vehicles . I doubt if the person asking about their vehicle even cares about an unrelated vehicle .

I appreciate all this advice - will ask my mechanic to inspect both of the rear brakes (indeed rear drums on this car) at next service. Good also to know this is a lot of work.

OP spoke to this issue above

That’s a good point Cavell makes. Since the drums were removed to replace the brake shoes, presumably recently, shouldn’t be overly difficult to remove them again. Of course it still remains easier to remove one than two.