2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx - Power steering quits, but returns after restart

Power steering shuts down and won’t go back on until you resart the car

How many yellow or red lights are lit on the dash when the steering assist quits? How many when it is working?

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It works fine after restarting the engine? That’s probably an important clue to what’s wrong. My guess, the electric motor or whatever it moves is sticking. And the more the motor tries to unstick it, the more it sticks. Sort of like those toy Chinese finger-cuffs. The harder you try to pull them apart, the harder they grab hold of your fingers. The way to get loose is to not pull at all, which slackens their grip. When you turn the engine off, that allows the mechanism to likewise gain some slack, allowing it to unlock. But eventually whatever caused it to lock in the first place will likely happen again.