2003 Subaru Forester 5-speed

5-speed slack in shifter won’t go in 4th or reverse it grinds what can I do

Will it shift with the engine off?

You might try taking it to a shop. It sounds like you may have shifter problem and or internal transmissions problems. I think if it was a straight clutch problem it would grind going into any gear.

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I understand transmission repair shops handle this kind of thing regularly.


Do you want to repair it yourself?

Sounds like the shift cable bushings or something are worn out… IIRC It’s a double cable, one works the shifter forward/backward, the other side to side, the F/B cable might be stretched or even a shift fork bent…

Make sure the trans fluid is full… If you can get to the trans shift levers, make sure the shifter is fully engaging the lever on the transmission, you can remove the cable from the trans and see if it will fully engage then… I would have all 4 wheels off the ground for safety while doing this…

You might need to take this to a shop for proper diagnostic…

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